- 1. The fire must not have been caused by accident or lawful activity.
A) Willful and malicious Intent B) Lack of lawful cause C) Existence of Fire D) Property Involved
- 2. Those who set fire for purpose of intimidation.
A) Person with motive to set fire to the rain B) Person with motive to set fire C) Motivational Fore setter D) Person without motive but will set fire
- 3. Flammable Liquid is also know as______
A) Fire Starter B) Water C) Accelerants D) Gasoline
- 4. Gunpowder is an example of______
A) Chemical Compounds B) Chemical Mixture C) Powder D) Chemical
- 5. Under Philippine law, arson is a criminal offense defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code (RPC), as amended by______
A) Presidential Decree No. 1683 (The Anti-Arson Law) B) Presidential Decree No. 1603 (The Anti-Arson Law) C) Presidential Decree No. 1633 (The Anti-Arson Law) D) Presidential Decree No. 1613 (The Anti-Arson Law)
- 6. Dry vegetation (e.g., hay, leaves) when combined with heat sources or accelerants is an example of______
A) Incendiary Materials B) Imporvised Materials C) Environmental Incendiaries D) Natural Incendiaries
- 7. A criminal act of intentionally setting fire to property, buildings, or other objects with the intent to cause damage or harm.
A) None of these B) Arson C) Arson with Murder D) Robbery
- 8. Substances or devices deliberately used to ignite fires, often in arson cases or for destructive purposes.
A) Incendiary Devices B) Incendiary Chemicals C) Incendiary Substances D) Incendiary Materials
- 9. A type of person who has passion for fire that can be satisfied only by watching flames.
A) Nymphomaniac B) Psychotic C) Pyromania D) Pyromaniac
- 10. It is an uncontrollable impulse toward incendiarism. A term to describe a condition of mind leading to an act of arson.
A) Pyromania B) Incendiary Person C) Maniac D) Pyromaniac
A) Accidental B) Educational C) Inspirational D) Intentional
- 12. Burning multiple properties in a single act or incident.
A) Multiple Arson B) Arson C) Pyromaniac D) Setting of fire
- 13. The property burned is an inhabited building, public structure, or place used for worship or education.
A) Qualified Arson B) Simple arson C) Destructive Arson D) Arson
- 14. It is a weak mark made by pressure that stays on the surface.
A) Imprint B) Moulage C) Compression Marks D) Inprint
- 15. _____is any material which can be changed from a plastic or liquid state to the solid condition.
A) Casting Material B) Plaster of Paris C) Cement D) Rubber
- 16. ______are series of scratches or striations produced by pushing a tool across the surface.
A) Friction Marks B) Mark C) Fiction Mark D) Tools mark
- 17. It is a strong mark produced by pressure hat goes below the surface.
A) Impression B) Imprint C) Friction Marks D) Compression Marks
- 18. It is used to create detailed, durable casts of impressions left at crime scenes.
A) Imprint B) Cement C) Plaster of Paris D) Moulage
- 19. It is a faithful reproduction of an impression with the use of casting materials.
A) Imprint B) Moulage C) Plaster of Paris D) Cement
- 20. A good casting material must harden slowly to a rigid mass.
A) Maybe B) True C) False
- 21. is produced by a single application of the tool in one area of contact.
A) Tools mark B) Mark C) Compression Mark D) Friction Marks
- 22. Impression can cause damage to the objects.
A) True B) Maybe C) False
- 23. The following are the cases where DNA analysis can be helpful except
A) Arson B) Homicide C) Paternity Case D) Rape
- 24. Under RA 9165, who is responsible for the enforcement of laws against illegal drugs?
- 25. What are dangerous drugs?
A) Herbal teas with unknown effects B) Over-the-counter painkillers C) Medications that cure serious illnesses D) Substances that can cause addiction, harm, or death when misused
- 26. It is the psychological desire to repeat the use of a drugs.
A) Habituation B) None of these C) Addiction D) Administration
- 27. Which of the following is considered a "dangerous drug" under RA 9165?
A) Methamphetamine Hydrochloride B) Paracetamol C) Aspirin D) Kremil-s
- 28. What does DNA stands for?
A) Deoxyribonucleic Acid B) Deoxyribonucleic Acidity C) Deoxyribonucleic Agent D) Do Not Ask
- 29. The following are thr biological evidences that can be submitted for DNA analysis except_____
A) Semen and Seminal Stains B) Urine C) Saliva or Buccal Swab D) Blood and Bloodstain
- 30. DNA is found at the crime scene. What does it do
A) Twists itself into knots to confuse detectives. B) Stays silent, but the evidence is loud! C) Do not ask D) Gets sequenced faster than you can say "genome."
- 31. Soil usually in form of dust is usually recovered from shoes, slippers, clothes, tires, tools and furniture.
A) True B) Maybe C) False
- 32. It is primarily consist of living organisms, decomposing matter, and organic compounds that contribute to soil fertility and structure.
A) Organic Minerals B) Natural sources C) Organic Constituents D) Organic Matters
- 33. Refers to the branch of medicine and pharmacology that deals with the determination of appropriate drug dosages.
A) Toxicology B) Pharmacology C) Forensic Chemistry D) Posology
- 34. Substances that can destroy or irreversibly damage tissue upon acontact.
A) Narcotic B) Corrosive C) Drugs D) Poison
- 35. It is the direct imjection of a substance into a vein.
A) Intravenious Injection B) Hypodermic Injection C) Gluta-drip Injection D) Intravenous Injection
- 36. Those are the substances or agents that produce vomiting.
A) Medicine B) Emesis C) Emetics D) Antidotes
- 37. Substances or devices deliberately used to ignite fires, often in arson cases or for destructive purposes.
A) Incendiary Devices B) Incendiary Materials C) Incendiary Substances D) Incendiary Matters
- 38. The property burned is an inhabited building, public structure, or place used for worship or education.
A) Special Cases B) Simple Arson C) Qualified Arson D) Destructive Arson
- 39. The victim voluntarily for the purpose of taking his own life took the poison.
A) Suicidal Poisoning B) Sub-acute Poisoning C) Homicidal Poisoning D) Accidental Poisoning
- 40. The history is hazy as to how the poison was obtained and why it was administered.
A) Homicidal Poisoning B) Accidental Poisoning C) Suicidal Poisoning D) Undetermined
- 41. It is the smallest amount/quantity that will produce the therapeutic effect without causing harm.
A) Overdose B) Minimum Dose C) Safe Dose D) Maximum Dose
- 42. The poison was taken without intention to cause death.
A) Homicidal Poisoning B) Accidental Poisoning C) Suicidal Poisoning D) Undetermined
- 43. Burning multiple properties in a single act or incident.
A) Multiple Arson B) Pyromaniac C) Pyromania D) Setting of fire
- 44. Refers to the amount of a substance (such as a drug, toxin, or chemical) that can cause death when administered.
A) Over Dose B) Toxic or poisonous Dose C) Safe Dose D) Lethal Dose
- 45. A type of person who has passion for fire that can be satisfied only by watching flames.
A) Nymphomaniac B) Pyromaniac C) Pyromania D) Psychotic
- 46. Existence of for is not necessary in Arson Cases.
A) Maybe B) False C) True
- 47. A method of administering medications or fluids directly into the body through a needle and syringe, penetrating the skin and underlying tissues.
A) Hypodermic Injectionyyg B) Gluta-drip Injection C) Intravenous Injection D) Injection
- 48. One that does not cause harmful effect
A) Minimum Dose B) Maximum Dosey C) Safe Dose D) Lethal dosev
- 49. There is prompt and marked disturbance of function or death within a short period of time.
A) Chronic Poisoning B) Accidental PoisoningV C) Acute Poisoningy D) Sub-acute Poisoning
- 50. Lightning Strikes that can ignite dry vegetation or buildings is an example of______
A) Set fire B) Environmental Factors C) Natural causes of fire D) Human Negligence
- 51. The fire must not have been caused by accident or lawful activity.
A) Property involved B) Lack of lawful cause C) Willful and malicious Intentgy D) Existence of Fire
- 52. The poison was given willfully to cause death to the victim
A) Homicidal Poisoning B) Acute Poisoning C) Accidental Poisoning D) Suicidal Poisoning
- 53. It is an uncontrollable impulse toward incendiarism. A term to describe a condition of mind leading to an act of arson.
A) Pyromania B) Pyromaniac C) Maniac D) Incendiary Person
- 54. Dry vegetation (e.g., hay, leaves) when combined with heat sources or accelerants is an example of
A) Chemical Incendiaries B) Incendiary Materials C) Environmental Incendiaries D) Natural Incendiaries
- 55. It is a poison without carbon.
A) Poison B) Drugs C) Inorganic Poison D) Organic Poison
- 56. What is the primary purpose of Republic Act No. 9165?
A) To promote the use of dangerous drugs B) To regulate the use and distribution of dangerous drugs C) To promote mental health awareness D) To increase the number of drug addicts
- 57. What is the primary law in the Philippines addressing dangerous drugs?
A) RA 10175 B) RA 6195 C) RA 9165 D) RA 8165
- 58. Any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drug an/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals.
A) Investigation Laboratory B) Crime Laboratory C) Clandestine Laboratory D) Chemistry Laboratory
- 59. Those are the substances that affect the way the body or mind functions.
A) Drug B) Alcohol C) All of these D) Poison