Spelling U30 (Review)
  • 1. Do not ____________ any customer.
A) misttreat
B) mistreat
C) mistrete
D) misstreat
  • 2. Cars should not ___________.
A) pulute
B) palute
C) pallute
D) pollute
  • 3. We use our basement shelves for _________.
A) storeage
B) storage
C) storuge
D) storege
  • 4. When is the train's first ________ today?
A) deparcure
B) deparchure
C) deparchore
D) departure
  • 5. The rocks on the hillside are _________.
A) unstable
B) unstayble
C) unstabal
D) unnstable
  • 6. Will has a __________ to make.
A) cunfession
B) confesion
C) confession
D) cunfesion
  • 7. We plan to hike on a ___________ trail.
A) nachur
B) nachure
C) naturre
D) nature
  • 8. An ________ is a descriptive word.
A) adjective
B) ajetive
C) ajictive
D) adjetive
  • 9. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) survice
B) decoration
C) sallsa
D) odur
  • 10. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) exspected
B) dalivered
C) burnt
D) terified
  • 11. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) mixsure
B) feather
C) ahlive
D) idem
  • 12. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) panick
B) stringth
C) intire
D) wonder
  • 13. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) barge
B) pasenger
C) byecycle
D) carravan
  • 14. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) hedache
B) hazard
C) advinture
D) hant
  • 15. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) surgin
B) deetective
C) villain
D) ralative
  • 16. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) memories
B) hourses
C) tresure
D) musique
  • 17. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) duzen
B) lesure
C) mislaid
D) hairatige
  • 18. Choose the correct spelling.
A) arechitect
B) arkitech
C) architeck
D) architect
  • 19. Choose the correct spelling.
A) respound
B) respond
C) reespond
D) respon
  • 20. Choose the correct spelling.
A) native
B) naative
C) nadive
D) nehtive
  • 21. Choose the correct spelling.
A) fuchure
B) fuchur
C) future
D) futur
  • 22. Choose the correct spelling.
A) elecsion
B) election
C) elektion
D) elecktion
  • 23. Choose the correct spelling.
A) mountain
B) mounten
C) mountan
D) montain
  • 24. Choose the correct spelling.
A) wizdom
B) wisdom
C) wisedome
D) wizdum
  • 25. Choose the correct spelling.
A) tenshun
B) tinshun
C) tinsion
D) tension
  • 26. Choose the correct spelling.
A) couridge
B) curage
C) courage
D) courige
  • 27. Choose the correct spelling.
A) gustice
B) justice
C) just-tice
D) justise
  • 28. ** BONUS: Which word is spelled incorrectly?
A) invisibal
B) unecessary
C) adapt
D) lesure
  • 29. ** BONUS: Which word is spelled incorrectly?
A) cunstruct
B) fascinate
C) coperate
D) heratige
  • 30. ** BONUS: Which word is spelled incorrectly?
A) postige
B) knowledge
C) meashure
D) spinich
  • 31. fascinating:boring::familiar: __________
A) unown
B) unknon
C) unknown
D) unknone
  • 32. not finished
A) incumpleate
B) incomplete
C) incompleet
D) incumplete
  • 33. detect is to ___________ as pursue is to chase.
A) disscover
B) discuver
C) discover
D) disc-cover
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