A) "Collecting dust and nagging me" B) "Like a child yearning for a playmate" C) "The right note's a treasure" D) "Time to blow off the dust"
A) personification B) hyperbole C) alliteration D) simile
A) "sending soft breezes" B) "a reason to smile" C) "billion future flowers" D) "winter always ruled"
A) "Spring flirted with me today" B) "green leaves and the gardens's brown soil" C) "a gift I tuck away in the drawer" D) "bitter cold drops still carrying fragments of ice"
A) idiom B) metaphor C) alliteration D) personification
A) a treasure B) a key C) a child D) a vault
A) The sun was warm on the child's face. B) The angry mirror showed every wrinkle on his face. C) The star I wished on winked at me. D) The trout danced o the water's surface.
A) The delicious cookies are a dream. B) The cookies smelled like a delicious cake. C) The cookies smell delicious. D) The delicious smell of cookies walked me to the kitchen.
A) The slimy eel slithered through the seaweed. B) The snail crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier. C) The dandelions stood tall, proudly surveying the rest of the yard. D) The stand of trees was a festival of color that fall.
A) Bob jumped over the gate like Bill did before. B) The wind whistled silently through the night. C) The dog licked his dinner bowl clean, as if it were his last meal. D) The cat ran fast.
A) His feet were like baby dolphins. B) His feet looked enormous. C) His feet were huge dolphins. D) He had big feet.
A) The lake was flat. B) The lake was really smooth. C) The lake was as smooth as glass. D) The lake was shiny.
A) She had large eyes. B) She had eyes like coffee saucers. C) She had saucer eyes. D) She had eyes ofa saucer shape.
A) The beetle stank. B) Her hair was gleaming. C) His hands were as big as dinner plates. D) The house was monstrous.
A) The boy wears an oxygen mask. B) The boy has an enlarged heart. C) The boy is very selfish and mean. D) The boy is very giving and kind. |