Maloti-Drakensberg Park
  • 1. What is the highest peak in the Drakensberg range?
A) Thabana Ntlenyana
B) Giant's Castle
C) Sentinel Peak
D) Cathedral Peak
  • 2. What UNESCO designation does Maloti-Drakensberg Park hold?
A) World Heritage Site
B) Cultural Landscape
C) Biosphere Reserve
D) National Park
  • 3. Which river flows through the Maloti-Drakensberg area?
A) Vaal River
B) Zambezi River
C) Limpopo River
D) Orange River
  • 4. What type of vegetation is primarily found in the park?
A) Tropical rainforest
B) Desert scrub
C) Grassland and alpine vegetation
D) Temperate forest
  • 5. What year was Maloti-Drakensberg Park designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
A) 2010
B) 2005
C) 2000
D) 1995
  • 6. What major activity does the park promote for conservation?
A) Logging
B) Ecotourism
C) Mining
D) Industrial farming
  • 7. Which province in South Africa hosts Maloti-Drakensberg Park?
A) Western Cape
B) Gauteng
C) KwaZulu-Natal
D) Mpumalanga
  • 8. What indigenous people primarily reside in the Maloti-Drakensberg area?
A) Zulu
B) Xhosa
C) Ndebele
D) Basotho
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