Reformation Matching Test 3
__1. Frederick the WiseA. Holding more than one church position at the same time
__2. IndulgencesB. The buying and selling of positions in the Catholic church.
__3. John CalvinC. Appointing your own relations to important church jobs
__4. John TetzelD. Paying to get sins forgiven
__5. Martin LutherE. Ruler of the State of Saxony
__6. NepotismF. Born in Saxony in Germany
__7. PluralismG. Sold indulgences to fundraise to rebuild St. Peters Basilica
__8. SimonyH. Born in Noyen in northern France
__9. The InquisitionI. Became notorious for it’s persecution of Protestants
__10. The JesuitsJ. Ignatius Loyola
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