__ | 1. | Frederick the Wise | | A. | Holding more than one church position at the same time |
__ | 2. | Indulgences | | B. | The buying and selling of positions in the Catholic church. |
__ | 3. | John Calvin | | C. | Appointing your own relations to important church jobs |
__ | 4. | John Tetzel | | D. | Paying to get sins forgiven |
__ | 5. | Martin Luther | | E. | Ruler of the State of Saxony |
__ | 6. | Nepotism | | F. | Born in Saxony in Germany |
__ | 7. | Pluralism | | G. | Sold indulgences to fundraise to rebuild St. Peters Basilica |
__ | 8. | Simony | | H. | Born in Noyen in northern France |
__ | 9. | The Inquisition | | I. | Became notorious for it’s persecution of Protestants |
__ | 10. | The Jesuits | | J. | Ignatius Loyola |