A) cirrus B) cumulo-nimbus C) stratus D) cumulus
A) hurricane B) tsunami C) tornado D) typhoon
A) They are called seastorms. B) Each begins in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. C) They originate over cool water. D) They have winds of 74 mph.
A) barometer B) anemometer C) thermometer D) hygrometer
A) cumulo-nimbus B) cumulus C) stratus D) cirrus
A) nimbus B) cirrus C) stratus D) cumulus
A) part of speech B) pronunciation C) definition D) guide words
A) table of contents B) glossary C) atlas D) almanac
A) almanac B) dictionary C) atlas D) thesaurus
A) right after the table of contents B) at the back C) on the cover D) in the middle
A) typhoon B) willy-willy C) clycone D) whirl-cloud
A) tornado and typhoon B) squall lines and thunderstorms C) atmosphere and air pressure D) temperature and humidity
A) cumulus-nimbus B) tornado C) cirrus D) stratus
A) right after the word "temperature" B) after the word "tornado" C) right before the word "tornado" D) in between the words "temperature" and "thermometer" |