Adding ed or ing to verbs
  • 1. The dog is swiming in the pond.
A) swiming
B) swimeing
C) none of the above
D) swimming
  • 2. The cat meowed in the barn.
A) none of the above
B) meoed
C) meow
D) meowed
  • 3. The jockey was rideing the horse.
A) rideing
B) ridding
C) riding
D) none of the above
  • 4. Today, the children play in the street.
A) plaiing
B) played
C) playing
D) none of the above
  • 5. Jerry and I _______ ______ in the street.
A) are playing
B) will play
C) is playing
D) are played
  • 6. The swimmers _____ _____ hard.
A) is practiceing
B) are practicing
C) are practiced
D) is practicing
  • 7. Jimmie and Sally ____ ____ quite a stir.
A) are createing
B) is creating
C) is createing
D) are creating
  • 8. Hammers _____ _____ the Screwdrivers today.
A) is plaiing
B) is playing
C) are playig
D) are playing
  • 9. The friends _____ their enemies.
A) defeated
B) defeating
C) defeted
D) defeat
  • 10. The mouse _____ _____ chased by the cat.
A) is being
B) are being
C) is be
D) will being
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