Henry I of England recaptures Normandy
  • 1. When did Henry I of England recapture Normandy?
A) 1106
B) 1154
C) 1200
D) 1066
  • 2. Which battle was crucial in Henry I's recapture of Normandy?
A) Battle of Tinchebray
B) Battle of Agincourt
C) Battle of Crecy
D) Battle of Hastings
  • 3. Which English monarch preceded Henry I?
A) Richard I
B) Edward the Confessor
C) Henry II
D) William II
  • 4. What was Henry I's nickname?
A) Lionheart
B) Longshanks
C) The Conqueror
D) Beauclerc
  • 5. What was Henry I's primary language?
A) French
B) Latin
C) English
D) German
  • 6. Where was Henry I of England born?
A) Canterbury
B) Paris
C) London
D) Selby, Yorkshire
  • 7. Who was the mother of Henry I?
A) Matilda of Flanders
B) Eleanor of Aquitaine
C) Isabella of Angoulême
D) Joan of Kent
  • 8. What was the name of Henry I's wife?
A) Adela of Normandy
B) Isabella of Angoulême
C) Eleanor of Aquitaine
D) Matilda of Scotland
  • 9. Who challenged Matilda of England's claim to the English throne, leading to a civil war known as the Anarchy?
A) Stephen of Blois
B) Philip II of France
C) William Clito
D) Geoffrey Plantagenet
  • 10. In what year did Matilda of England finally become Queen of England?
A) 1166
B) 1141
C) 1120
D) 1135
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