A1 M1 L1 Two Step Equations
Type answer as: r[space]=[space]solution   
+ 4 = 5
Type answer as: x[space]=[space]solution   
-10 - 6x = 110
Type answer as: p[space]=[space]solution   
3p - 2 = -29
Type answer as: n[space]=[space]solution   
-9 +
= -7
Type answer as: h[space]=[space]solution  
4 + 2.2h = -3.7
Pollard purchased softball equipment and uniforms for 
a total cost of $1,836.  The equipment cost $612,
 and the uniforms cost $25.50 each.  
Which equation could be used 
to find out how many uniforms the school purchased?
1836 = 612x + 25.50
1836/25.50 + x = 612
1836 = 612 + 25.50x
x/1836 = 612(25.50)
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