Quiz 8 - Science Vocabulary #2 (EN)
__1. ATPA. Process by which producers create Glucose to feed themselves
__2. Cellular RespirationB. Organelles not found in animal cells
__3. Chloroplasts and Cell WallsC. C6 - H12 - 06
__4. EnzymesD. Process of releasing energy in chemical bonds
__5. GenesE. High Energy Molecules
__6. GlucoseF. Special proteins that affect the rate of chemical reactions
__7. MitochondriaG. Organelles said to be the "powerhouse of Cells"
__8. PathogensH. Disease-causing organisms (Virus, Bacteria, Fungi)
__9. PhotosynthesisI. Sections of DNA that determine specific traits
__10. Sperm Cells and Ova (Eggs)J. Gametes
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