  • 1. OBE shift from
A) concept based learning system
B) conflict based learning system
C) Content-based learning sysmtem
D) context based learning system
  • 2. Type of education focuses classroom instruction on the skills and competencies
A) outcome based education
B) conflict based education
C) content based education
D) learner based education
  • 3. Refers to apply cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills/competencies in various situations many years completion of a subject
A) immediate outcomes
B) deferred outcomes
C) program outcomes
  • 4. - Refers to what the graduates of an educational institution are supposed to be able to do beyond graduation
A) program outcomes
B) learning outcomes
C) institutional outcomes
D) deferred outcomes
  • 5. the following are examples of immediate outcomes except;
A) skill in story tellinginitial job placement
B) promotion in a job
C) ability to communicate in writing and speaking
  • 6. Process of determining or describing the attribute or characteristics of physical objects generally in terms of quantity.
A) cognitive, affective evaluate
B) measuremen
C) evaluation
D) cognitive, skills, psychomotor
  • 7. the three domains of learning
A) psychomotor, affective, skills
B) cognitive, affective, psychomotor
  • 8. Process designed to provide information that will help us to make a judgement about particular situation.
A) evaluation
B) measuremeny
  • 9. Process of gathering evidence of students performance over period of time to determine learning and mastery of skills such as written work, portfolios, tests and other learning tasks.
A) assessment
B) evaluate
C) objectives
  • 10. The teacher is the ___________knowledge by assisting in the organization of facts and information.
A) tutor
B) giver
C) facilitator
D) guide
E) adviser
  • 11. A group of variables
A) indicators
B) construct or factor
C) variables
  • 12. the building blocks of educational measurement upon which all other forms of measurement are built.
A) construct or factor
B) variables
C) indicators
  • 13. Use assessment as investigative tool to find out as much as they can about what their students know and can do, and what confusions, preconceptions, or gaps the might have.
A) assessment as learning
B) assessment for learning
C) assessment of learning
  • 14. Diagnostic assessment is example of
A) assessment as learning
B) assessment for learning
C) assessment of learning
  • 15. Education originated from the terms “educare” or “educere”
A) to share with
B) to draw in
C) to give in
D) to draw out
E) to sit beside
  • 16. the following is the examples of formative assessment except
A) final exam
B) essay
C) anecdotal record
D) quiz
  • 17. The students should be able to do after a lesson or instruction
A) course or subject
B) program
C) institutional
D) learning or institutional
  • 18. The graduates of particular educational programs or degree are able to do at the completion of the degree.
A) course or subject
B) learning or institutional
C) program
D) institutional
  • 19. Type of measurement do not depend on the person or individual taking the measurement.
A) subjective
B) testing
C) objective
  • 20. A classroom assessment used by students to self-assess and set goals.
A) neither
B) summative
C) formative
  • 21. - (denoted by an English alphabet X) is a measurement characteristics of student.
A) variables
B) factor
C) indicator
  • 22. OBE stands for
A) outcome based learner
B) outcome base learners
C) outcome based learning
  • 23. Classroom assessment that is used to measure the level of achievement on learning targets and subsequently to determine report card grades.
A) formative
B) objective
C) summative
  • 24. " Prepare daily menus for one week" example of what?
A) application
B) applying
C) creating
D) analyzing
  • 25. the focus of instruction
A) developing of skills
B) learning outcomes
C) enchancing knowledge
D) content and subject matter
  • 26. Type of test is given to find out where the students are or determine their entry knowledge or skills so teacher knows how to adjust instruction.
A) pretest
B) remediation
C) post test
  • 27. This term assessment is derived from “assidere”
A) to draw in
B) to sit beside
C) to draw out
D) to give in
  • 28. if students have mastered specific competencies and identify instructional areas that need additional attention.
A) summative assessment n
B) formative assessment
  • 29. Perform repeatedly with speed and accuracy.
A) skilled movement
B) fundamental movements
C) reflex movement
D) perceptual movement
  • 30. If the students does a visual presentation on an uploaded version or angle connected to a topic.
A) comprehending
B) synthesizing
C) analyzing
D) creating
  • 31. “Nailalarawan ang sariling buhay simla sa pagsilang bhanggang sa
    kasalukuyang edad”
A) affective
B) psychomotor
C) cognitive
  • 32. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment of learning.
A) to give immediate feedback on students strenght
B) to certify students' achievements
  • 33. The competencies or skills acquired upon completion of a
    subject, a grade level, a segment of the program or itself.
A) deferred outcomes
B) immediate outcomes
C) learning outcomes
  • 34. “Recite prices of commodities from memory”
A) cognitive domain
B) affective domain
C) psychomotor domain
  • 35. the following the example of outcome based education except;
A) instructional
B) institutional
C) program
D) recognition
  • 36. Observing, imitation, practicing and adapting
A) psychomotor
B) affective
C) cognitive
  • 37. The main idea of the DepEd’s Mission, Vision and Goals
A) creating
B) understanding
C) comprehending
D) remembering
  • 38. Infer, follow, interpret, summarize, demonstrate, cite and interpolate.
A) comprehension
B) apllication
C) synthesis
D) knowledge
  • 39. The lowest level of knowledge in the Bloom’s Taxonomy.
A) thinking
B) remembering
C) analyze
D) apply
  • 40. You are assessing for learning
A) recommending new policies in grading students
B) giving grades to students
C) Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students
D) reporting to parents the performance of their child
  • 41. refers to the way in which we deal situations emotionally such feeling,
    appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, values and attitude.
A) cognitive
B) affective
C) psychomotor
  • 42. Highest level of the knowledge processing of Kendall’s and Marzano’s
    New Taxonomy which involves the learner’s examination of the importance of the learning task and his/her self-efficacy.
A) self system
B) analysis
C) comprehension
  • 43. asked to memorize and recite the DepEd’s Mission, Vison, and Goals.
    Skills- Ms. Ortega tasked her students to show them how to play basketball.
A) remembering
B) applying
C) skills
D) analyzing
  • 44. Teacher Vivian is asking her students to identify the equipment in the
    Chemistry Laboratory.
A) remembering
B) understanding
C) creating
D) analyzing
  • 45. James was given a module by his teacher to catch up with
    the lesson he missed. The module includes a series of objective-type test items after
    each lesson for James to check and monitor his progress as he moves to the next
A) assessment of learning
B) assessment for learning
C) assessment as learning
  • 46. Defend the actions the main character.
A) analysis
B) evaluation
C) comprehension
D) none of the above
  • 47. Theorist identified the three domains of learning.
A) jean piaget
B) lev vygotsky
C) b.f skinner
D) Benjamin bloom
  • 48. Refers to the transfer of knowledge from one field of study to another
    or from one concept to another concept in the same disciple.
A) application
B) evaluation
C) analysis
D) none of the above
  • 49. Describe doing the assessment
A) mrs. bautista is administering a test to her students
B) mr. ferrer is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test
C) Ms. Leyva is computing the final grade of the students after completing their requirements.
  • 50. Ability to use sensory cues to guide motor activity.
A) mechanism
B) adaptation
C) set
D) perception
  • 51. Mr. Made an essay test for the
    objective “identify the planets in the solar system”. was the assessment method
    used the most appropriate for the given objective.
A) yes, because essay test can measure any type of objective
B) no, he should have prepared an objective test
  • 52. Select the most effective among a number of solutions
A) organizing
B) valuing
C) internalizing
D) receiving
  • 53. If the students construct a model to show how something works.
A) applying
B) evaluating
C) synthesizing
D) comprehending
  • 54. Participate in discussion is a learning outcome.
A) responding
B) valuing
C) receiving
D) organizing
  • 55. the following categories falls under affective domain except
A) internalizing
B) creating
C) receiving
D) valuing
  • 56. It is student centered, faculty driven and meaningful.
A) outcome
B) outline
C) content
  • 57. Refers to the learner’s sensitivity to the existence of stimuli-awareness,
    willingness to receive or selected attention.
A) receiving
B) responding
C) valuing
D) organization
  • 58. “Pagbibigay sa mag-aaral ng kaalaman at pang-unawa tungkol
    sa tao, kapaligiran at lipunan”
A) Educational Objective
B) program outcome
C) learning outcome
  • 59. A learning outcome in the Grade 12
    research subject reads “At the end of the lesson, the students will be exposed to
    various research designs”
A) no, the aciton is not attainable
B) yes, the action can be measured
C) yes, the action is observable
D) no, the action is not done by the students
  • 60. Ways could you change the plot of the story
A) synthesis
B) knowledge
C) comprehension
D) application
  • 61. Mr. Adamson administered an achievement test in Mathematics. He
    is in the process of counting the scores obtained by his students.
A) measurement
B) none of the above
C) evaluation
  • 62. to provide instruction that will enable the pupils to understand their
    immediate physical environment by using their senses, questioning, sharing ideas
    and identifying simple cause-and-affect relationships.
A) affective
B) psychomotor
C) cognitive
  • 63. You’ve been asked to choose the sentence you think is most powerful
    and explain why you chose that one.
A) remembering
B) analyzing
C) evaluating
D) understanding
  • 64. the following is falls under the cognitive except;
A) remembering
B) applying
C) understanding
D) adapting
  • 65. Can you invent or design
A) application
B) sythesis
C) comprehension
D) knowledge
  • 66. “Paglinang ng kakayahan na magsagawa ng proyektong pangtahanan
    at pampamayanan”
A) psychomotor
B) affectiive
C) cognitive
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