  • 1. What is the scientific name of an ox?
A) Canis lupus
B) Equus ferus
C) Felis catus
D) Bos taurus
  • 2. How many stomachs does an ox have?
A) Three
B) Four
C) One
D) Two
  • 3. In mythology, what creature is often associated with oxen?
A) Minotaur
B) Dragon
C) Werewolf
D) Phoenix
  • 4. What is the common color of oxen?
A) Brown
B) Blue
C) Red
D) Green
  • 5. What is a group of oxen called?
A) Team
B) School
C) Herd
D) Flock
  • 6. What is the purpose of dehorning oxen?
A) For mating rituals
B) For safety and handling purposes
C) To make them look bigger
D) To improve their health
  • 7. What term is used for a castrated ox?
A) Heifer
B) Bull
C) Steer
D) Cow
  • 8. Which of the following is a physical characteristic of oxen?
A) Feathers
B) Horns
C) Fins
D) Antennae
  • 9. Where do oxen typically reside?
A) Deserts
B) Oceans
C) Mountains
D) Pastures
  • 10. Which famous festival in Spain involves the running of oxen?
A) Pamplona Bull Run
B) La Tomatina
C) Carnival
D) San Fermín
  • 11. What is the purpose of branding oxen?
A) Decorative purposes
B) Identifying ownership
C) To keep them warm
D) Medical treatment
  • 12. What is the term for a female ox?
A) Cow
B) Ewe
C) Heifer
D) Mare
  • 13. What is the process of removing the yoke from oxen called?
A) Unyoking
B) Deyoking
C) Yokectomy
D) Yoke-off
  • 14. Which country is famous for the Holy Cow culture associated with oxen?
A) Japan
B) Australia
C) India
D) Brazil
  • 15. What is the correct plural form of 'ox'?
A) Oxes
B) Oxen
C) Oxess
D) Oxi
  • 16. What is the traditional footwear used by oxen to protect their hooves on rocky terrain called?
A) Ox shoes
B) Cow boots
C) Bull slippers
D) Steer sandals
  • 17. Which Greek god is often associated with oxen?
A) Hera
B) Poseidon
C) Athena
D) Zeus
  • 18. Which of the following is another word for an ox?
A) Ewe
B) Calf
C) Stallion
D) Bullock
  • 19. What is the role of an ox in agriculture?
A) Plowing fields
B) Flying in the sky
C) Guarding livestock
D) Hunting prey
  • 20. What gender are most oxen used in agriculture?
A) Female
B) Intersex
C) Neuter
D) Male
  • 21. Which continent is home to some oxen species in the wild?
A) Asia
B) Australia
C) Africa
D) Antarctica
  • 22. What is a person who breeds and raises oxen called?
A) Shepherd
B) Goatherd
C) Oxherd
D) Horseman
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