A) Dualism between spirit and matter B) Monism of existence C) Existential nihilism D) Materialistic determinism
A) Nag Hammadi library B) Dead Sea Scrolls C) The Apocrypha D) Vatican archives
A) Faith B) Knowledge (gnosis) C) Ritual D) Dogma
A) The Book of Genesis B) The Tao Te Ching C) The Gospel of Thomas D) The Qur'an
A) As adherence to law B) As an awakening to gnosis C) As faith in God's grace D) As ritualistic practice
A) Plato B) Karl Marx C) Martin Heidegger D) Friedrich Nietzsche
A) The intellectual realm B) The emotional realm C) The material realm D) The social realm
A) Empirical evidence B) Historical texts only C) Rational analysis alone D) Interpretation of myth and symbol |