Digestive System Matching
__1. Digestive SystemA. Helps push food to the back of the mouth to swallow.
__2. EnzymesB. Stores, compacts, and rids the body of waste; absorbs water
__3. Large IntestineC. Proteins that break your food down into nutrient molecules.
__4. Pancreas, Liver, GallbladderD. Muscle contractions that squeeze food along.
__5. PeristalsisE. Increases surface area in the small intestine.
__6. Salivary GlandsF. Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream here.
__7. Small IntestineG. Tear and grind food to create small, slippery pieces of food
__8. TeethH. Accessory organs that create enzymes to finish digestion
__9. TongueI. Creates a liquid with amylase that break starches into sugar
__10. VilliJ. A group of organs that break down food into nutrients.
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