- 1. What Indian group was at the feast held in the autumn of 1621?
A) Wampums B) Wompanoag C) Pequa D) Cherokee
- 2. What were the Wompanoag's wetus covered with?
A) wooden boards B) grass or bark C) thatch or straw
- 3. Which one of these would NOT typically be included in a Pilgrim's dinner?
A) duck B) mussels C) turkey
- 4. Which of these did the Pilgrims NOT use to eat with?
A) fingers B) knife C) spoon D) fork
- 5. A Wompanoag Indian would typically bait his fishing hook with what?
A) worms B) clam necks C) small fish
- 6. What was one way the Wompanoag stored food?
A) they didn't B) buried it C) grain houses D) deer skin pouches
- 7. The Pilgrim children attended school daily, except during harvest season.
A) true B) false
- 8. The most important thing a Wompanoag boy learned was how to hunt with a ahtomp.
A) true B) false
- 9. The Pilgrim and Wompanoag children had so many chores they didn't have time to play games.
A) true B) false
- 10. In written records of the the feast held in the autumn of 1621 there is no mention of what?
A) venison and squash B) seafood and cabbage C) turkey and mashed potatoes D) duck and onions
- 11. The the feast held in the autumn of 1621 lasted for ...
A) several weeks B) several days C) several hours
- 12. Where in America did the Mayflower first land?
A) Boston B) Plymouth Rock C) Cape Cod
- 13. Who was the sachem (leader) of the Wampanoag in 1620?
A) Squanto B) Pocahontas C) Massasoit D) Hobbamock
- 14. Was the feast held in the autumn of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag considered a "Thanksgiving Day" to the Pilgrims?
A) yes B) no
- 15. What did the Pilgrim's typical Thanksgiving Day consist of?
A) giving thanks and playing games B) prayer and fasting C) prayer and eating D) giving thanks and eating