The Bitter Water at Marah
  • 1. In which book of the Bible is the story of Marah found?
A) Numbers
B) Genesis
C) Exodus
D) Leviticus
  • 2. Who led the Israelites to Marah?
A) Aaron
B) Caleb
C) Joshua
D) Moses
  • 3. What was the problem with the water at Marah?
A) It was bitter
B) It was muddy
C) It was scarce
D) It was salty
  • 4. What happened to the water after Moses followed God's instruction?
A) It turned to wine
B) It remained bitter
C) It became sweet
D) It evaporated
  • 5. What did Moses do before throwing the tree into the water?
A) Cried out to the Lord
B) Danced
C) Prayed silently
D) Consulted the elders
  • 6. After Marah, where did the Israelites camp next?
A) Elim
B) Canaan
C) Sinai
D) Goshen
  • 7. How many springs of water were found at Elim?
A) Ten
B) Twelve
C) Five
D) Twenty
  • 8. What was one of the main themes of the story of Marah?
A) Greed for water
B) Trust in God
C) Despair in hardship
D) Fear of the future
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