Illuminations by Walter Benjamin
  • 1. Which essay by Benjamin discusses the impact of technology on art?
A) The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
B) Theses on the Philosophy of History
C) Capitalism as Religion
D) Critique of Violence
  • 2. What does Benjamin assert about the aura of artwork?
A) It is strengthened in modern art
B) It is diminished in the age of mechanical reproduction
C) It remains unchanged regardless of technology
D) It is irrelevant to the viewer's experience
  • 3. In which city did Walter Benjamin write 'Illuminations'?
A) Frankfurt
B) Vienna
C) Berlin
D) Paris
  • 4. Which philosophical tradition heavily influences Benjamin's thought?
A) Existentialism
B) Phenomenology
C) Marxism
D) Utilitarianism
  • 5. What is the focus of Benjamin's essay on 'The Flâneur'?
A) Urban experience and observation
B) Economic theory
C) Psychological analysis
D) Rural nostalgia
  • 6. What role does 'Aura' play in Benjamin's discourse?
A) It symbolises consumerism
B) It enhances reproduction
C) It represents a transactional value
D) It embodies the unique presence of a work of art
  • 7. What does Benjamin’s 'thesis on the philosophy of history' critique?
A) The linear conception of history
B) The cyclical nature of history
C) The myths in ancient texts
D) The role of archive in history
  • 8. Which statement best describes the 'flâneur' in Benjamin's essays?
A) A rural poet
B) A historical scholar
C) A passionate activist
D) A detached observer of urban life
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