UTS Quiz Topics 1-3 (Part II)
__1. ChurchlandA. The human mind is a tabula rasa.
__2. DescartesB. “The self is the brain.”
__3. FreudC. Human Person = Body + Mind
__4. HumeD. "There is no self
__5. KantE. The self is a product of reason
__6. LockeF. Man = Body + Soul
__7. Merleau-PontyG. Conscious, Preconscious & conscious as layers of the self
__8. PlatoH. The self is the way people behave.
__9. RyleI. “The self has embodied subjectivity"
__10. SocratesJ. “The self is the immortal soul that exists over time.”
__11. CooleyA. Personne and moi as faces of the self
__12. MaussB. Man is of a bifurcated nature.
__13. MeadC. private, public, collective self
__14. St. AugustineD. "I-Self" and "Me-Self"
__15. TriandisE. The Looking Glass Self
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