Journeys Spelling Lesson 27 2nd
  • 1. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) took
B) toock
C) tooke
D) toke
  • 2. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) bookes
B) boocks
C) books
D) bokes
  • 3. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) foote
B) foot
C) fote
D) fout
  • 4. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) hofe
B) hoof
C) hooffe
D) hoofe
  • 5. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) coocke
B) cook
C) coock
D) cocke
  • 6. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) nook
B) nooke
C) noocke
D) noock
  • 7. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) hoode
B) hode
C) hood
D) hooed
  • 8. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) woode
B) wode
C) wooed
D) wood
  • 9. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) stode
B) stooed
C) stood
D) stoode
  • 10. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) shooke
B) shoocke
C) shoock
D) shook
  • 11. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) croock
B) croocke
C) crook
D) crooke
  • 12. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) cookbook
B) cookebooke
C) coockbook
D) cokebook
  • 13. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) loocke
B) loock
C) look
D) looke
  • 14. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) good
B) gode
C) gooed
D) goode
  • 15. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) crookid
B) croocked
C) crocked
D) crooked
  • 16. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) boockcase
B) bookecase
C) bookcaise
D) bookcase
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