AIC JSS1 Prevoc assignment
  • 1. The study of how to grow fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops is _________
A) Apiculture
B) Floriculture
C) Horticulture
D) Silviculture
  • 2. The activity which involves the management and production of fish and other aquatic animals is known as ________
A) Snail production
B) Fishery
C) Livestock production
D) Horticulture
  • 3. A dicotyledonous plant is a plant that has ________
A) Five cotyledons
B) two cotyledons
C) Four cotyledons
D) One cotyledon
  • 4. Bee farming is also known as ____
A) Apiculture
B) Heliculture
C) Horticulture
D) Snailery
  • 5. The storage organ for sugarcane is _______
A) Leaves
B) Stem
C) Root
D) Flowers
  • 6. Roots serve as storage organ for _______
A) Cassava
B) Sugarcane
C) Tomato
D) Onion
  • 7. One of the following is an example of aquatic plant.
A) Plankton
B) Pea
C) Wheat
D) Oil palm
  • 8. A typical crop plant is made up of two major systems known as ______
A) Shoot and stems
B) Tap and Fibrous
C) Shoots and roots
D) Aerial and Fibrous
  • 9. ______ roots consist of one major root from which various minor branches arise
A) Leaves
B) Fibrous root
C) Stem
D) Tap root
  • 10. The vegetative parts of a plant are ______
A) Fruit and leaves
B) Flowers and fruits
C) Roots, stem and leaves
D) Flowers and leaves
  • 11. The study of trees and some wild animals is called
A) Forestry
B) Fishery
C) Soil science
D) Mining
  • 12. _______ is the source of fiber and cotton
A) Agriculture
B) Catering
C) Engineering
D) Mining
  • 13. Example of animals that can be used for working on the farm is
A) Pig
B) Camel
C) Rabbit
D) Rat
  • 14. The following are vegetables except
A) Cabbage
B) Cocoa
C) Pumpkin
D) Tomato
  • 15. Agriculture produce the following except
A) Income
B) Industrial raw materials
C) Agricultural engineering tools
D) Food
  • 16. Mr Ahmad produces plants and animals for himself and his family alone, he is a_________
A) Processor
B) Commercial farmer
C) Plantation farmer
D) Subsistence farmer
  • 17. Fruit and vegetables are a great source of
A) Fat and oil
B) Vitamin and mineral
C) Oil
D) Carbohydrate
  • 18. Crops that are grown to beautify the environment are ________ crops
A) Latex
B) Ornamental
C) Medicinal
D) Forage
  • 19. One of these is not a terrestrial plant
A) Plankton
B) Rubber
C) Timber
D) Cocoa
  • 20. Organs of plant can be divided into vegetative and ________ organ
A) Tap
B) Reproductive
C) Fibrous
D) Vegetable
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