- 1. A person's basic outlook on life.
A) brainstorming B) ability C) aptitude D) attitude
- 2. Something that stands in the way of a decision or action.
A) mediator B) logistics C) attitude D) obstacle
- 3. The ability or willingness to change in order to suit different conditions.
A) obstacle B) attitude C) mediator D) adaptability
- 4. An alternative course of action.
A) backup plan B) obstacle C) outcome D) adaptability
- 5. The result or effect of a decision or action.
A) ability B) adaptability C) attitude D) outcome
- 6. To put off deciding or acting.
A) lazy B) adaptability C) procrastinate D) producer
- 7. A goal to start working on right away
A) prioritize B) temporary job C) long term job D) short term goal
- 8. A part time or full time job that last only a short while, such as for a couple of weeks or months.
A) temporary job B) obstacle C) outcome D) short term job
- 9. A goal that is usually more challenging and takes longer to achieve than a short term goal.
A) aptitude B) part time job C) procrastinate D) medium term goal
- 10. To put in order from first to last or from most important to least important.
A) prioritize B) adaptability C) chronological order D) logistics
- 11. Time order, or the order in which events happen.
A) chronological order B) prioritize C) short term goal D) outcome
- 12. A job in which a person works up to 30 hours a week.
A) temporary job B) long term job C) short term goal D) part time job
- 13. A challenging goal that takes a long time to achieve and may first involve the achievemebnt of short and medium term goals.
A) chronological order B) back up plan C) long term job D) temporary job