- 1. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) fokes B) fokse C) fohks D) folks
- 2. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) aame B) aime C) ame D) aim
- 3. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) prey B) praiy C) prai D) preye
- 4. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) yok B) yolke C) yolk D) yohk
- 5. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) gried B) grede C) greid D) greed
- 6. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) grete B) greet C) griet D) greit
- 7. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) grind B) griind C) gihnd D) grinde
- 8. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) groth B) garoth C) grought D) growth
- 9. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) heape B) heap C) hepe D) heep
- 10. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) coache B) coch C) coche D) coach
- 11. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) oak B) ohk C) ock D) oke
- 12. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) payed B) paid C) pade D) paad
- 13. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) paast B) paiste C) paste D) paist
- 14. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) pleed B) plede C) plead D) pleid
- 15. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) shaive B) shaiv C) shave D) shav
- 16. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) theim B) heem C) theeme D) theme
- 17. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) briid B) brid C) bridde D) bride
- 18. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) towe B) tow C) tohe D) toh
- 19. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) spihc B) spice C) spyce D) spihce
- 20. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) type B) tipe C) typ D) tighp
- 21. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) tenth B) teinth C) teenth D) tinth
- 22. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) damp B) dape C) daemp D) dampe
- 23. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) stouffe B) stugh C) stuff D) stuf
- 24. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) dekaye B) deecay C) decay D) dekay
- 25. Choose the word that is spelled correctly
A) liftime B) lifftim C) lifetim D) lifetime