AIC SS 2 Biology 3rd C.A Second Term
  • 1. 1. The following are all types of aquatic habitats except ......
A) Estuarine
B) Fresh water
C) Eschew
D) Marine
  • 2. 2. All of the following are characteristics of salt marsh habitat, except......
A) Presence of high-level oxygen
B) Low light penetration
C) High salinity
D) Presence of low level oxygen
  • 3. 3. The major zones of the marine habitat include all except.........
A) Supratidal zone
B) Benthic zone
C) Meridian zone
D) Littoral zone
  • 4. 4. The following are characteristics of Freshwater habitats except.....
A) Variation in temperature
B) Low salinity
C) High concentration of oxygen content
D) Low concentration of oxygen content
  • 5. 5. The excessive growth of plant life or algae in water courses or bodies caused by an increase in organic nutrients or minerals leading to the death of aquatic organisms is called ...........
A) Eutropication
B) Eutrophication
C) Eutriphication
D) Etrophication
  • 6. 6. Tropical rain forest has the following characteristics except.......
A) Existence of canopies
B) Presence of buttress root.
C) Presence of broad leaves
D) Presence of thick barks
  • 7. 7. One of the following is not a known desert
A) Great Australian desert
B) Great Britain desert
C) Arabian desert
D) Kalahari desert
  • 8. 8. The condition necessary for respiration include the following except........
A) Respiratory medium
B) Transportation medium
C) Water vapour
D) Respiratory surface
  • 9. 9. One of the following is not a characteristic of the respiratory surface.
A) Thin-walled to shorten diffusion distance and make diffusion easier and faster
B) Small area to aid easy diffusion of gases
C) Large surface area to aid easy diffusion of gases
D) Moist surface
  • 10. 10. The respiratory organ (gills) of the fish are arranged in chambers listed below except .........
A) Gill arch
B) Gill fume
C) Gill raker
D) Gill filament
  • 11. 11. The following are the processes involved in the formation of urine except.......
A) Glomerulus in the bowman's capsule
B) Hormonal secretion
C) Ultra filteration
D) Selective reabsorption
  • 12. 12. Selective reabsorption occurs in one of the following.
A) Bowman's capsule
B) Urethra
C) Distal tubule
D) Henle's loop
  • 13. 13. One of the following is not a cause of food shortage.
A) War
B) Overpopulation
C) Poor storage facilities
D) Urbanisation
  • 14. 14. Effects of food shortage on the size of a population include the following except.......
A) Increased supply of a particular type of food
B) Emigration
C) Competition
D) Decline in the rate of reproduction
  • 15. 15. Abiotic factors affecting a population include the following except......
A) Water
B) Parasites
C) Heat
D) Space
  • 16. 16. The following are biotic factors affecting a population except......
A) Food
B) Competition
C) Mortality
D) Light
  • 17. 17. A factor which limits the population growth is called .......
A) Dispersal
B) Environmental resistance
C) Limiting factor
D) Balance in nature
  • 18. 18. One of the following is not an importance of family planning to a nation.
A) Prevention of indiscriminate abortion
B) Promotion of maternal and mother's health
C) Prevention of population explosion
D) Increased risk of STDs
  • 19. 19. The organelle used for osmoregulation in unicellular organisms such as amoeba and paramecium is called ..........
A) Contractile vacuole
B) Endoplasmic reticulum
C) Cytoplasm
D) Ribosome
  • 20. 20. The maintenance of a fairly constant internal environment in an organism is known as .........
A) Homeostasis
B) Osmotic pressure balance
C) Neutralisation
D) Concentration gradient
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