Skeleton test
  • 1. What muscles are involuntary?
A) Arm muscles
B) Heart Muscles
C) Leg Muscles
  • 2. Who tells voluntary muscles what to do?
A) ears
B) Brain
C) spinal cord
  • 3. What are two jobs that smooth muscles do?
A) Everything
B) Control the flow of blood, move the stomach walls and they move wastes through the large intestine
C) Nothing
  • 4. Which muscles are called voluntary muscles?
A) Skeletal muscles
B) smooth muscles
C) rough muscles
  • 5. What do heart muscles do?
A) Give the body oxygen
B) They make the heart beat and pump blood to other parts of the body
C) Nothing
  • 6. What does a tendon do?
A) nothing
B) disconnect muscles
C) Connect muscles to bones
  • 7. How many muscles does the muscular system have?
A) 4
B) 2
C) 3
  • 8. What happens to muscles when it stops working?
A) The muscles becomes tense
B) The muscle goes back to regular size
C) The muscle becomes swollen
  • 9. What kind of joint can move in a complete circle?
A) A hinge joint can move in a complete circle
B) A ball-socket joint can move in a complete circle
C) A flange joint can move in a complete circle
  • 10. What type of joints does your fingers have?
A) Ball and socket joints
B) ligament joints
C) Hinge joints
  • 11. How does a hinge joint move?
A) sideways
B) move in one direction
C) in a circle
  • 12. You have the same amount of cartilage in your body all your life
A) false
B) True
  • 13. Do bones repair themselves?
A) Yes
B) No
  • 14. Bones can grow because they are made of _______.
A) ligaments
B) marrow
C) Cells
  • 15. When a bones breaks, ____________ carry food into the bone.
A) blood vessels
B) marrow
C) cells
  • 16. What do blood vessels do in the bones?
A) They carry food to the bone.
B) They carry nothing to the bone.
C) They carry disease to the bone.
  • 17. Name the important job of the skull.
A) The skull protects the brain and eyes
B) The skull protects the brain and the heart
C) The skull protects the heart and the lungs
  • 18. What would happen if your spinal cord were injured?
A) nothing
B) An injury to the spinal cord could prevent the eyes from working
C) An injury to the spinal cord could prevent parts from moving
  • 19. The ________ is the part of the skeleton that protects the heart and lungs.
A) rib cage
B) backbone
C) skull
  • 20. The part of the skeleton that protects the spinal cord is the _________.
A) spinal cord
B) rib cage
C) backbone
  • 21. What types of movement does the pivot joint allow?
A) This joint allow circular motion
B) This joint allows back and forth movement
C) This joint lets you twist your head around and look over your shoulder
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