- 1. Hindu ethics encompass a complex and nuanced system of beliefs and values that guide individuals in leading a moral and virtuous life. Central to Hindu ethics is the concept of dharma, or duty, which emphasizes the importance of fulfilling one's responsibilities and obligations in a way that is in harmony with universal laws and cosmic order. Other key principles include ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), aparigraha (non-possessiveness), and saucha (purity). These ethics are rooted in the belief in karma, the idea that one's actions have consequences that shape future experiences and determine one's spiritual progress. Hindu ethics also emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of compassion, kindness, and selfless service towards others. By adhering to these ethical principles, individuals strive to cultivate inner peace, harmony, and spiritual growth, ultimately leading to liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death.
Which sacred text contains a major ethical code in Hinduism?
A) Mahabharata B) Upanishads C) Ramayana D) Bhagavad Gita
- 2. What is the principle of Ahimsa in Hindu ethics?
A) Non-violence B) Fasting C) Sacrifice D) Prayer
- 3. What is the Sanskrit term for the law of cause and effect in Hindu ethics?
A) Moksha B) Dharma C) Yoga D) Karma
- 4. What is the purpose of the ethical concept of Satya in Hinduism?
A) Material success B) Social status C) Truthfulness D) Power
- 5. Which virtue is associated with the ethical concept of Dana in Hindu ethics?
A) Humility B) Generosity C) Purity D) Courage
- 6. What is the significance of the ethical concept of Asteya in Hinduism?
A) Non-stealing B) Asceticism C) Attachment D) Surrender
- 7. What does the concept of Samadhi represent in Hindu ethics?
A) Fasting B) Charity C) Ritual worship D) State of deep meditation
- 8. Which ethical principle emphasizes cleanliness and purity in Hindu ethics?
A) Santosha B) Saucha C) Ahimsa D) Dhyana
- 9. What is the role of the Guru in Hindu ethical teachings?
A) Spiritual guide and teacher B) King and ruler C) Warrior D) Farmer
- 10. Which virtue is associated with the ethical concept of Daya in Hindu ethics?
A) Purity B) Courage C) Humility D) Compassion
- 11. What is the ethical principle of Santosha in Hindu ethics?
A) Detachment B) Attachment C) Contentment D) Renunciation
- 12. Which ethical concept emphasizes devotion and love in Hindu ethics?
A) Seva B) Tapas C) Yajna D) Bhakti
- 13. Which virtue is associated with the ethical concept of Kshama in Hindu ethics?
A) Gratitude B) Forgiveness C) Purity D) Courage
- 14. Which ethical concept emphasizes detachment and renunciation in Hindu ethics?
A) Dana B) Bhakti C) Karma D) Vairagya
- 15. What is the role of Mitahara in Hindu ethics?
A) Ascetic practices B) Renunciation C) Fasting D) Moderate and balanced diet
- 16. What is the principle of non-violence called in Hindu ethics?
A) Ahimsa B) Karma C) Dharma D) Satya
- 17. Which virtue emphasizes self-control, restraint, and discipline?
A) Tapas B) Seva C) Tyaga D) Satsang
- 18. What is the concept of righteous duty called in Hinduism?
A) Dharma B) Jnana C) Yoga D) Devotion
- 19. What is the Hindu concept of selfless service called?
A) Sadhana B) Seva C) Samadhi D) Satsang
- 20. Which principle advocates honesty and truthfulness in all actions?
A) Aparigraha B) Santosha C) Asteya D) Satya
- 21. What is the Sanskrit term for non-possessiveness or non-greed?
A) Aparigraha B) Santosha C) Asteya D) Tapas
- 22. Which form of meditation involves the repetition of a mantra or sacred sound?
A) Japa B) Samadhi C) Pranayama D) Dhyana
- 23. What is the Hindu practice of physical postures and breathing exercises called?
A) Puja B) Yoga C) Jnana D) Bhakti
- 24. Who is the god of fire in Hinduism and namesake of the sacred fire ritual?
A) Yama B) Varuna C) Indra D) Agni
- 25. What is the term for the process of continuous self-improvement and spiritual growth in Hinduism?
A) Seva B) Samadhi C) Sadhana D) Satsang
- 26. What is the concept of contentment and satisfaction with what one has called?
A) Vairagya B) Tapas C) Santosha D) Tyaga
- 27. Which Hindu festival celebrates the victory of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance?
A) Navaratri B) Diwali C) Dussehra D) Holi
- 28. What is the Hindu practice of worship and offering to deities called?
A) Vrata B) Japa C) Puja D) Homa
- 29. What is the ultimate goal of life according to Hindu ethics?
A) Karma B) Artha C) Dharma D) Moksha
- 30. Which principle of self-discipline and control of the mind is emphasized in Hindu ethics?
A) Asana B) Niyama C) Pranayama D) Yama
- 31. Which Hindu virtue refers to forbearance, patience, and endurance in the face of adversity?
A) Santosh B) Titiksha C) Daya D) Satya
- 32. Which Hindu value pertains to refraining from coveting or stealing another's property?
A) Satya B) Aparigraha C) Asteya D) Tapas