- 1. The influence of Ancient Greek philosophy on modern thought is vast and enduring. The ideas and teachings of philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle have had a profound impact on various aspects of contemporary society, including ethics, politics, science, and metaphysics. The concept of rational inquiry, critical thinking, and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, which are central tenets of Greek philosophy, continue to shape intellectual discourse and form the foundation of many disciplines. Moreover, the emphasis on virtues like wisdom, courage, and justice, as well as the exploration of abstract concepts such as truth, beauty, and the nature of reality, have left an indelible mark on Western civilization. From the development of democratic ideals to the evolution of scientific methodology, the legacy of Ancient Greek philosophy can be seen in the fabric of modern culture and thought.
Who is considered the 'Father of Western Philosophy'?
A) Socrates B) Aristotle C) Plato D) Heraclitus
- 2. Which philosopher founded the Academy in Athens and was a student of Socrates?
A) Aristotle B) Plato C) Thales D) Heraclitus
- 3. Who is known for his philosophical works such as 'Metaphysics' and 'Nicomachean Ethics'?
A) Epicurus B) Zeno C) Pythagoras D) Aristotle
- 4. Which philosopher was known for the concept of 'Logos' and believed that all things are in a state of perpetual change?
A) Zeno B) Heraclitus C) Pythagoras D) Epicurus
- 5. Who founded the school of philosophy known as Stoicism?
A) Zeno B) Socrates C) Aristotle D) Plato
- 6. Which philosopher is responsible for the mathematical theorem named after him?
A) Plato B) Aristotle C) Socrates D) Pythagoras
- 7. Who believed that pleasure was the highest good and sought to achieve tranquility through moderation and simplicity?
A) Socrates B) Epicurus C) Plato D) Aristotle
- 8. Which ancient Greek philosopher was known for his cosmological theories and the concept of the 'four elements'?
A) Empedocles B) Parmenides C) Thales D) Anaximander
- 9. Who was a pre-Socratic philosopher known for his theory that water is the basic principle of the universe?
A) Empedocles B) Anaximenes C) Heraclitus D) Thales
- 10. Which philosopher is associated with the theory of atomism and the concept of the void?
A) Anaxagoras B) Anaximander C) Parmenides D) Democritus
- 11. Who is considered the 'Father of Geometry'?
A) Archimedes B) Pythagoras C) Euclid D) Aristotle
- 12. Who is known as the 'Father of Medicine' and developed the Hippocratic Oath?
A) Plato B) Pythagoras C) Aristotle D) Hippocrates
- 13. Who is known for the saying 'I think, therefore I am'?
A) Socrates B) Aristotle C) Descartes D) Plato
- 14. Which philosopher is associated with the philosophical ideas of empiricism and tabula rasa?
A) Descartes B) John Locke C) Plato D) Aristotle
- 15. Who was known for his geometric theorem and the saying 'Eureka'?
A) Hippocrates B) Archimedes C) Pythagoras D) Euclid