A) President Sonekan B) President Sheu Sagari C) President Olusegun Obasanjo D) President Muhammadu Buhari
A) 747 B) 774 C) 770 D) 477
A) Two B) Four C) Five D) Three
A) Local government B) No answer C) Federal government D) State government
A) Bola Ahmed Abdullatif B) Bolanson Tinubu C) Bola Kazeem Tinubu D) Bola Ahmed Tinubu
A) 37 B) 36 C) 39 D) 30
A) socialization B) social C) social media D) school
A) True B) False C) No idea D) I don't know
A) I agree B) I don't know C) I disagree D) I am not sure
A) hobby B) Likeness C) goodness D) addiction
A) varying B) the same C) opposite D) different
A) sororate B) monogamy C) Incest D) levirate
A) Endogamous practice B) Exogamous practice C) Monogamy D) Polygamy
A) polygyny B) polynomial C) polyandry D) politics
A) monogamy B) incest C) Infant bethrothal D) polygamy
A) A woman and her relatives B) A man and a woman C) A man and his siblings D) A man, a woman and children
A) intimacy B) procreation C) companionship D) sanction
A) maturity B) respect C) immaturity D) sincerity
A) physiological fitness B) physical fitness C) social stability D) unfaithfulness
A) court marriage B) Islamic marriage C) friendship marriage D) Christian marriage
A) Inadequate finance B) Mutual love C) Financial benefit D) Peace
A) fighting B) depression C) pregnancy D) divorce
A) Monogamy B) Endogamy C) Polygamy D) Exogamy
A) understanding B) common C) identifies D) Blood
A) a strong tie joins family member together B) people have common religion C) a family has different patterns of behaviour D) people understand themselves well
A) sleeping together B) eating together C) praying together D) doing things together
A) Nonchalant attitude towards each other B) Education of the children C) Protection D) Assistance
A) unity B) protection C) rivalry D) happiness
A) family life B) family bond C) family system D) family matters
A) a family that cannot be trusted B) a good family image C) a negative image for the family D) nonchalant family attitude |