History Pre Test
  • 1. In the 1400s, this man helped Portugal take an early lead in exploration by providing money to study navigation, develop better boats, and encourage voyages along the coast of Africa. Who was he?
A) Francisco Pizarro
B) Christopher Columbus
C) James Cook
D) Prince Henry
  • 2. Which was not a reason for the establishment of European overseas colonies?
A) Europeans thought that colonies would buy European products.
B) European industry needed more sources of raw materials.
C) Europeans were interested in learning from other cultures.
D) Europeans wanted to spread Christianity to other peoples.
  • 3. There were many reasons for the exploration of the world by the Europeans starting in the 1400’s. Some of those reasons are: * To find a sea route to the spices of Asia. * To find gold, silver, and precious stones. * To expand their knowledge of the world. * To build and control larger empires. * To expand the Christian religion. * To find natural resources for their newly created factories* To open up new markets for their newly created products.
A) Europeans were looking to find ways to ease overcrowding in their cities.
B) European explorers were trying to prove that the earth was not flat.
C) The monarchs of Europe were trying to develop and use new sailing technologies.
D) The Europeans were trying to expand their territories, gather riches, and spread their religion.
  • 4. Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of World War I?
A) European empire building in Africa and Asia
B) an explosion on the battleship Maine
C) the Japanese invasion of the Philippines
D) fear of the spread of communism
  • 5. Which of the following was an important cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917?
A) differences among social and economic classes in Russia
B) an unsuccessful attempt by Britain to invade Russia
C) differences among religious and ethnic groups in Russia
D) an unsuccessful attempt by China to invade Russia
  • 6. Withdrawal from WWI, poverty, starvation, overthrow of the czar, civil war and communism are associated with the
A) Russian Revolution
B) French Revolution
C) Chinese Revolution
D) Spanish Revolution
  • 7. Which of the following events occurred as a result of European exploration of the Americas in the 1400s and the 1500s?
A) the discovery that only the Atlantic Ocean separated Asia from Europe
B) the destruction of the Aztec and Incan civilizations
C) the invention of the astrolabe, which improved navigation.
D) the discovery and use of the Northwest Passage to Asia
  • 8. In the 1500s, the Incan civilization was conquered by Spanish soldiers led by
A) Montezuma
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Francisco Pizarro
D) Vasco da Gama
  • 9. In the 1500s the Aztec Empire in Central America was conquered by Spanish soldiers led by
A) Hernando Cortés.
B) Montezuma.
C) Christopher Columbus.
D) James Cook.
  • 10. Part of the Columbian Exchange between Europe and the Americas included the
A) Movement of many indigenous Americans to Europe
B) Movement of goods on shipping routes across the Pacific
C) Introduction of new crops to Europe and the Americas
D) Introduction of mass production and factory buildings to the Americas
  • 11. Cortes and Pizarro were able to conquer the Aztecs and the Incas because
A) the Aztec navy was quickly defeated by the superior Spanish Armada
B) European diseases killed many Native Central Americans who might have fought the Spanish
C) the Aztecs and Incas were at war with each other, making them weaker
D) the Native Central Americans were peaceful and refused to fight the Spanish soldiers
  • 12. One impact of the African Slave Trade included
A) Further blending of ethnic groups in Latin America
B) Africans brought their French and English languages to Latin America
C) Less shipping between continents
D) More opportunities for Africans to own land
  • 13. The African slave trade grew because European nations wanted the captured Africans
A) to increase the number of soldiers in their armies
B) to work on the plantations in their colonies
C) to work in the new factories
D) to replace the labor of the serfs
  • 14. Miguel Hidalgo is best known as the Father of Independence in
A) Boliva
B) Hati
C) Venezuela
D) Mexico
  • 15. In the 1800s, Miguel Hidalgo helped to inspire the people of Mexico to rise up against which country and eventually gain independence?
A) England
B) Russia
C) France
D) Spain
  • 16. After a ten−year struggle, Haiti was the first nation in Latin America to gain independence in 1804. How did Haiti
A) as part of the treaty at the end of the French and Indian War
B) in a revolution started by Simón Bolívar
C) when the British defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
D) in a revolt led by the former slave, Toussaint L'Ouverture
  • 17. A book about the history of Latin America during the 1800s featuring Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar and Miguel Hidalgo, would most likely have which title?
A) The Rise of Communism in Latin America
B) The Rise of the Slave Trade in Latin America
C) United States Colonies in Latin America
D) Independence Movements in Latin America
  • 18. "The Liberator" who led Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador in their successful fight for independence from
A) Toussaint L'Ouverture
B) Simon Bolivar
C) Jose de San Martin
D) Miguel Hidalgo
  • 19. A lasting impact of the Cuban Revolution has been
A) Less political freedom for Cubans
B) More economic choices for the people
C) Less need for trade with other countries
D) More leaders chosen by the people
  • 20. How did Canada achieve independence from Britain?
A) by means of negotiations over a period of time
B) by a war for independence
C) as a result of the American Revolution
D) as a result of the British defeat of the French
  • 21. Today, some citizens and elected leaders of Québec believe their province should take which action?
A) close its borders to all new immigrants
B) withdraw from the United Nations
C) refuse to trade with the United States
D) become an independent country
  • 22. What is causing some of the people of Quebec to desire independence from Canada?
A) Canada conquered Quebec during World War II
B) Large deposits of fossil fuels that Quebec doesn’t want to share with the rest of Canada
C) Oppressed Quebec citizens desire freedom of speech and religion
D) French descendents living in Quebec feel their culture and language is being overwhelmed by the English
  • 23. The first Australians were nomadic hunters and gatherers. When Europeans reached Australia, they called the dark−skinned people they encountered
A) Inuits
B) Maoris
C) Aborigines
D) Aztecs
  • 24. In the late 1700s the British government used the colony of Australia as
A) a location in which to build new factories
B) a prison to which criminals could be sent.
C) a source of resources like coal and iron
D) a military base to replace the African colonies
  • 25. Why did so many aborigines die from diseases after European colonization of Australia?
A) An increased need for sewage facilities
B) Europeans brought new diseases to Australia
C) Eating habits changed
D) A shortage of soap
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