• 1. The air is made of different ________(a)water (b) (c)food
A) none of the above
B) friends
C) fence
D) gasses
  • 2. (2)
    ______is one of the gases that can be found in the air
A) transporting
B) smoke
C) oxygen
D) all of the above
  • 3. (3)
    Which of the following is true about air?
A) pollination
B) it can be touched, it can be felt , it can be seen
C) pruning
D) thinning
  • 4. (4)
    We can feel the presence of air when there is ______
A) harvesting
B) wind
C) irrigating
D) fertilizing
  • 5. (5)
    Air has weight and occupies _______
A) corn
B) space
C) soybeans
D) wheat
  • 6. (6)
    Air is used for _____
A) breathing
B) mango
C) sugarcane
D) coffee
  • 7. (7)
    Air produces(a) paper (b) (c) cloths
A) peppers
B) sound
C) carrots
D) tomatoes
  • 8. 15.
    Which of the following crops have a biennial life span?
A) corn
B) peppers
C) carrots
D) tomatoes
  • 9. (8)
    The sun provides animal and man with _____
A) rice
B) wheat
C) moon
D) sun light
  • 10. (9)
    Sun makes man and animals ______(a)fever(b)cold (c)
A) warm
B) they have taproots
C) they have net-like veined leaves
D) they have two seed leaves(cotyledons)
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