A) went home. B) went C) The girl D) home
A) went home. B) home C) girl D) The girl
A) The birds B) chirped C) loudly D) chirped loudly.
A) Go to the store. B) The mess was big. C) Hid outside. D) Time is up.
A) Run home. B) WTbcelice people. C) ZWefjohe goes to school. D) Girls will run today.
A) are B) Friends C) Friends are D) forever.
A) Golf B) balls C) are everywhere. D) Golf balls
A) QN\]afumping QN\]afill jumped rope. - QN\]afill is the predicate. B) OLZ[_de yelled at me. - yelled is part of the subject. C) You know the answer- "You" is the subject. D) PM[\`e won the game.- won is part of the subject.
A) are large and expensive. B) Houses on this street C) expensive D) large
A) 4 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 |