A) Didache B) Clement of Rome C) Polycarp of Smyrna D) Ignatius of Antioch
A) Christian interpretation of the Old Testament B) Martyrdom C) Christology D) Church structure
A) Clement of Alexandria B) Justin Martyr C) Ignatius of Antioch D) Irenaeus
A) The Acts of Paul B) The Apology C) The Epistle to the Philippians D) The Shepherd of Hermas
A) Clement B) Hermas C) Ignatius D) Polycarp
A) Medieval philosophy B) Foundation of early Christian doctrine C) Development of Islamic theology D) Reformation theology
A) Justin Martyr B) Tertullian C) Irenaeus D) Clement of Rome
A) The Epistle of Barnabas B) The Shepherd of Hermas C) The Acts of the Apostles D) The Didache
A) Legalism B) The role of women C) The unity of the church D) Political power |