Volcano Quiz
  • 1. On page 85, what does the word "eruption" mean?
A) hot melted rock that flows from a volcano
B) made liquid by heat
C) hot melted rock underneath the earth's surface
D) A volcanic explosion or a large flow of lava
  • 2. Which of the following describes the sequence of events before, during and after the volcanic eruption?
A) lava flows out; magma pushes up through a crack in the earth's crust; the lava cools and hardens into rock
B) Magma pushes up through a crack in the earth's crust; lava flows out; the lava cools and hardens into rock
C) the lava cools and hardens into rock; lava flows out; magma pushes up through a crack in the earth's crust
D) Magma pushes up through a crack in the earth's crust; the lava cools and hardens into rock; lava flows out
  • 3. What do you think the author means when he says that Mount St. Helens awakened from a long sleep?
A) It seemed like the mountain was singing when the mountain erupted
B) The mountain did nothing
C) The mountain was awake and now that it is erupting it is sleeping
D) It seemed like the mountain was sleeping when it was quiet; it seemed like it woke up when it erupted
  • 4. What does the word, "molten" mean?
A) the solid outer layer of earth
B) made liquid by heat
C) hot melted rock underneath the earth's surface
D) hot melted rock that flows from a volcano
  • 5. What does Magma mean?
A) made liquid by heat
B) hot melted rock underneath the earth's surface
C) hot melted rock that flows from a volcano
D) the solid outer layer of earth
  • 6. On page 88, what does the word, "crater" mean?
A) made liquid by heat
B) the solid outer layer of earth
C) one hundred years
D) a bowl shaped depression
  • 7. One page 90, what does the word "Norse" mean?
A) moving forward
B) a bowl shaped depression
C) havind to do with the ancient Scandinavians
D) One hundred years
  • 8. Jpw cam scoemtosts te;; wjat lomd pf eri[topm pccirred bu studying cooled lava formations?
A) The smooth, billowy rocks called aa tell scientists that the lava flow was thick and slow-moving; the smooth shark procks called pahoehoe tells them that the lava was thin, hot and fast-moving
B) The thin-flat rocks called aa tell scientists that the lava flow was tihck and slow-moving; the smooth, sharp rocks called pahoehoe tell them that the lava was thin, hot, and fast-moving
C) The rough, sharp rocks called aa tell scientists that the lava flow was thick and slow-moving; the smooth, billowy lava called pahoehoe tell them that the lava was thin, hot and fast-moving
D) There's no difference in the rocks
  • 9. What shapes does the author compare volcanoes to?
A) warrior's shields and upside-down ice cream cones
B) Warrior headdress and ice cream cones
C) Triangles and squares
D) Warriors and ice cream
  • 10. An active volcano is one that can still erupt but doesn't necessarily erupt for many years
A) True
B) False
  • 11. To explain how a plugged-up dome volcano erupts, the author compares it to a bottle of soda with a cork in it.
A) True
B) False
  • 12. Crater lake is so deep because volcanoes orginate above the surface of the earth. When it erupted and blew its top off, the remaining rock fell making the water rise.
A) True
B) False
  • 13. It is important for scientists to study volcanoes so that they can predict when eruptions will happen.
A) False
B) True
  • 14. Scientists can predict exactly when an eruption will happen
A) False
B) True
  • 15. The author wants people to understand that both good and bad things happen as a result of volcanoes
A) True
B) False
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