Prepositions of place/ week12
  • 1. They caught the fugitive ______ the corner of the street.
A) From
B) On
C) At
  • 2. He will wait ______ three o'clock; then he'll have to leave.
A) Until
B) For
C) On
  • 3. They are rarely____ home at lunch time.
A) In
B) At
C) On
  • 4. He went _____ a new school in London
A) In
B) To
C) From
  • 5. I talk to my mother ____ the phone every weekend
A) At
B) On
C) In
  • 6. What time does the flight______ Amsterdam arrive?
A) From
B) To
C) In
  • 7. Do you like to live _____ busy road?
A) At
B) In
C) On
  • 8. They have been married______ twenty years.
A) Since
B) For
C) In
  • 9. I'll be home_____ 10 minutes.
A) By
B) At
C) In
  • 10. I like the smile____ her face
A) On
B) For
C) At
  • 11. _____the picture, I can see a family.
A) In
B) On
C) At
  • 12. There is a dish full of fruits_____ the worktop.
A) At
B) In
C) On
  • 13. She is holding a vase ____ her hand.
A) In
B) At
C) On
  • 14. I am going to the countryside___ the weekend.
A) By
B) At
C) On
  • 15. I haven't been to the countryside _____ December.
A) For
B) Since
C) At
  • 16. So you'll be there ____ the whole weekend. I'll be missing you!
A) Since
B) By
C) For
  • 17. What time are you leaving? I am leaving ____ the afternoon
A) At
B) In
C) On
  • 18. May be _____ three o'clock pm.I am coming back.
A) For
B) At
C) On
  • 19. am coming back ____ Sunday evening
A) At
B) In
C) On
  • 20. I'll be here nine ____ o'clock.
A) By
B) In
C) On
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