AIC JS 3 Prevoc 3rd CA for 2nd Term
  • 1. ……….. is the act of planting of tree seedlings to establish a forest
A) Afforestation
B) Exploitation
C) Deforestation
D) Forestry
  • 2. A market where stocks, shares and other securities are bought and sold is referred to as
A) Foreign exchange market
B) Stock exchange market
C) Local market
D) Bond market
  • 3. The following except one, are methods of controlling erosion
A) Deforestation
B) Terracing
C) Afforestation
D) Mulching
  • 4. Pulp is a raw material used in one of the Afro allied industries
A) Paper
B) Rubber
C) Textile
D) Tyre
  • 5. ……. acts as an agent for firms or individuals who want to buy and sell securities on the stock exchange
A) Speculators
B) Jobbers
C) Brokers
D) Investors
  • 6. One of the following people is not involved in the stock exchange
A) Brokers
B) Wholesaler
C) Investor
D) Jobber
  • 7. An organisation formed by a group of individuals who have decided to work as a team to satisfy a common interest is called
A) Society Meeting
B) Team work
C) Agricultural market
D) Co-operative society
  • 8. Which one is not a subdivision of savanna zone
A) Guinea savanna
B) Sudan savanna
C) Derived savanna
D) Mangrove savanna
  • 9. Silviculture is the study of raising
A) Seedlings
B) Pastures
C) Flowers
D) Forest trees
  • 10. Ply-wood is a by-product of
A) Forestry
B) Piggery
C) Rabbitry
D) Fishery
  • 11. Which of these is not a vegetation belt in Nigeria?
A) Temple savanna
B) Rain forest
C) Derived savanna
D) Mangrove forest
  • 12. Timber can be used for building all except
A) Local bridge
B) Houses
C) Canoes
D) Iron
  • 13. The following characteristics best described forest vegetation in Nigeria except
A) Long period of rainfall
B) Short and scattered trees
C) Prevalence of tall trees
D) Leafy cover
  • 14. The process of cutting or harvesting only matured forest trees and allowing other young ones to grow is known as
A) Afforestation
B) Deforestation
C) Regeneration
D) Selective exploitation
  • 15. Forest zones comprises of
A) Mangrove and Sudan
B) Mangrove and Rain
C) Derived and Guinea
D) Rain and Sudan
  • 16. One of these is not true about stock exchange in agriculture
A) It encourages investment
B) It helps to raise the standard of performance of agricultural enterprise
C) It is not a means for disseminating information to agriculturists
D) It encourages contract farming
  • 17. A good cooperative member must
A) Be greedy
B) Not show concern
C) Be Selfish
D) Be honest
  • 18. Forest trees attain maturity at
A) 2 or 3years
B) 20 or 25years
C) 0 to 1 year
D) 2 to 20years
  • 19. The most important advantages of cooperative society is
A) Possibility of raising loans for members
B) The increase in the cost of marketing
C) Their high degree of democracy
D) That members are encouraged to save money
  • 20. An association formed by a group of individuals solely for the marketing of their product is a
A) Consumer cooperative
B) Credit and thrift cooperatives
C) Producer cooperatives
D) Voluntary cooperatives
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