The Integration of Mysticism and Mission in Religious Orders
  • 1. Which religious order is known for its contemplative life?
A) Dominicans
B) Carmelites
C) Franciscans
D) Jesuits
  • 2. Who is considered the founder of the Jesuit order?
A) Francis of Assisi
B) Benedict of Nursia
C) Teresa of Avila
D) Ignatius of Loyola
  • 3. What is 'mission' commonly understood to involve in religious contexts?
A) Academic scholarship
B) Political involvement
C) Spreading the faith
D) Maintaining isolation
  • 4. Mysticism often leads to what kind of experience?
A) Social activism
B) Attachment to doctrine
C) A desire for material wealth
D) A feeling of oneness with God
  • 5. Which order is known for its missionary work and education?
A) Carmelites
B) Trappists
C) Jesuits
D) Franciscans
  • 6. Which mystic is associated with the Carmelite order?
A) Teresa of Avila
B) Saint John of the Cross
C) Thomas Merton
D) Julian of Norwich
  • 7. The integration of mysticism and mission is often seen as beneficial in:
A) Maintaining distance from the world
B) Deepening spiritual and social engagement
C) Rejecting contemporary issues
D) Focusing solely on doctrine
  • 8. Rituals in mysticism often aim to:
A) Teach moral lessons
B) Convey historical narratives
C) Facilitate connection with the divine
D) Ensure adherence to rules
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