Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man by Siegfried Sassoon
  • 1. What is the primary setting of 'Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man'?
A) The battlefield
B) The English countryside
C) A university
D) A city
  • 2. Who is the protagonist of the memoir?
A) Robert Graves
B) Wilfred Owen
C) David Jones
D) Siegfried Sassoon
  • 3. What activity is the focus of this memoir?
A) Farming
B) Horse racing
C) Fox hunting
D) Fishing
  • 4. In which war does Sassoon's story take place?
A) The Boer War
B) World War II
C) World War I
D) The Vietnam War
  • 5. What does Sassoon reflect on throughout the memoir?
A) The contradictions of war
B) The joy of victory
C) The simplicity of rural life
D) The glory of battle
  • 6. What genre does 'Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man' belong to?
A) Science fiction
B) Poetry
C) Autobiographical memoir
D) Historical fiction
  • 7. Which other author was Sassoon associated with during his literary career?
A) James Joyce
B) Robert Graves
C) T.S. Eliot
D) George Orwell
  • 8. Which emotion is prominently depicted in Sassoon's account of fox hunting?
A) Fear
B) Indifference
C) Nostalgia
D) Anger
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