• 1. Which artist is famous of their printmaking
A) Robert smithson
B) Robert Rauschenberg
C) Pablo picasso
  • 2. What is screen printing also known as
A) Serigraphy
B) Taggers
C) Spray paint
  • 3. Which of the following is a traditional printmaking technique
A) Serigraphy
B) Taggers
C) Woodcut
  • 4. Who is a well known mixed media arts
A) Pablo picasso
B) Robert smithson
C) Robert rauschenberg
  • 5. What is land art primary focus on
A) Natural landscape
B) New york city
C) Taggers
  • 6. Which artist is best known for creating spiral jetty
A) Robert smithson
B) Pablo picasso
C) Nico lepar
  • 7. What is common motif or graffiti art
A) Abstract pattern
B) Spray paint
C) Taggers
  • 8. What is common term of graffiti art
A) Taggers
B) Spray paint
C) Abstract pattern
  • 9. What type is commonly used in graffiti
A) Spray paint
B) Taggers
C) Abstract pattern
  • 10. Which of the following artist known for pioneering the cubist movement
A) Robert smithson
B) Ivan inciso
C) Pablo picasso
  • 11. Which historical period saw the rise of trapunto in italy
A) The renaissance
B) Surrealism
C) Jump cuts
  • 12. What technique is often used in conjunction with trapunto
A) Jump cuts
B) Surrealism
C) Quilting
  • 13. What is common technique used in montage
A) Surrealism
B) Jump cuts
C) Quilting
  • 14. In which artist movement did protage gain popularity
A) Jump cuts
B) Surrealism
C) Quilting
  • 15. Which of the following is a common item to decorate using decoupage
A) Furniture
B) Varnish or sealant
C) Surrealism
  • 16. What artist is most associated with the frottage technique
A) Robert smithson
B) Renz rosal
C) Mark ernst
  • 17. Which of the following is a legal form of graffiti
A) Abstract pattern
B) Street murals
C) Spray paint
  • 18. What is common format for saving digital artwork
A) Taggers
B) Serigraphy
C) Jpeg
  • 19. What materials are commonly used in land art
A) Earth rocks and plants
B) Sand cement wood
C) Weeds cocaine alcohol
  • 20. What software is commonly used for creating digital art
A) Jpeg
B) Adobo photoshop
C) Adobe photoshop
  • 21. Which materials primary used in trapunto
A) Quilting
B) Batting and padding
C) Jump cuts
  • 22. Which filmmaker is known for pioneering montage and film
A) Robert smithson
B) Sergie eisentein
C) Pablo picasso
  • 23. What materials are commonly used in decalcomania
A) Wood in glass
B) Paint in glass
C) Plastic in glass
  • 24. Which artist is famously associated with the technique of decalcomania
A) kevin jagmis
B) Max ernst
C) Pablo picasso
  • 25. What does gpa stand for
A) Good point average
B) Grade point average
C) Grade parts average
  • 26. Is not typically considered a form of visual art
A) Dance
B) Theater
C) singing
  • 27. A french painter painted scene from reality
A) Paul Cezanne
B) Max ernst
C) Pablo picasso
  • 28. Are where the artist expresses his emotion not using paint
A) Dance
B) Poetry
C) Theater
  • 29. A famous french philosopher of the 20th century
A) John paul sartre
B) Max ernst
C) Paul Cezanne
  • 30. He made significant in major contribution in science and humanity
A) John paul sartre
B) Albert einstein
C) Albert of rrq indo
  • 31. An english philosopher who best known for his work in aesthetic
A) Robert george
B) Rigor
C) Robert smithson
  • 32. Refers to the art of putting together successful of still image
A) Picture
B) Video
C) Film
  • 33. Arts is alive and the artist medium mainly the human body
A) Dance
B) Theater
C) Performance
  • 34. Is the making beautiful bounding
A) Civil engineering
B) Architecture
C) haha
  • 35. It is considered part of the humanities
A) Anthropology
B) Applied arts
C) Literary arts
  • 36. It is incorporating elements of style and design to everyday times
A) Literary arts
B) Applied arts
C) Anthropology
  • 37. It is used live performers to present accounts or imaginary events
A) Theater
B) Poetry
C) Dance
  • 38. Is often cited as a universal medium for communication due to its visual nature
A) Dance
B) Music
C) Theater
  • 39. It is used words not pain musical instrument
A) Music
B) Literary arts
C) Applied arts
  • 40. Is known for its emphasis on abstract in the use of geometric
A) Cubism
B) Literary arts
C) Applied arts
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