- 1. In which year did Edward Jenner discover the vaccination for smallpox?
A) 1820 B) 1796 C) 1750 D) 1805
- 2. What was the name of the boy Edward Jenner vaccinated with cowpox?
A) William Smith B) James Phipps C) Thomas Brown D) Henry Wilson
- 3. What disease was smallpox caused by?
A) Measles virus B) Influenza virus C) Variola virus D) Ebola virus
- 4. Which organization led the global vaccination campaign that eradicated smallpox?
A) Doctors Without Borders B) World Health Organization (WHO) C) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) D) United Nations (UN)
- 5. Which country was the last to report a naturally occurring case of smallpox in 1977?
A) Somalia B) United States C) India D) Brazil
- 6. In what year was official global eradication of smallpox declared by the World Health Organization (WHO)?
A) 2000 B) 1990 C) 1970 D) 1980
- 7. What is the term for the practice of preventing disease through vaccination?
A) Inoculation B) Immunization C) Medication D) Sanitization
- 8. Which US president mandated vaccination for smallpox during the American Civil War?
A) George Washington B) Abraham Lincoln C) Thomas Jefferson D) John F. Kennedy
- 9. Who is credited with discovering vaccination for smallpox?
A) Edward Jenner B) Marie Curie C) Louis Pasteur D) Alexander Fleming
- 10. What substance did Edward Jenner use for his smallpox vaccine?
A) Horsehair B) Sulfuric acid C) Cowpox D) Mercury
- 11. What was the initial reaction of the medical community to Jenner's smallpox vaccine?
A) Indifference B) Skepticism C) Celebration D) Fear
- 12. In what country did Edward Jenner carry out his smallpox vaccination experiments?
A) Germany B) France C) Russia D) England
- 13. What is the general term for substances that provoke an immune response and provide immunity against specific diseases?
A) Analgesics B) Vaccines C) Steroids D) Antibiotics
- 14. What was the mortality rate of smallpox before the introduction of vaccination?
A) 70% B) 50% C) 10% D) 30%
- 15. Who was the first person to administer the smallpox vaccine outside of England?
A) Benjamin Waterhouse B) Clara Barton C) Gregor Mendel D) Joseph Lister
- 16. Which famous American statesman was a supporter of Jenner and his smallpox vaccine?
A) George Washington B) Benjamin Franklin C) Thomas Jefferson D) Abraham Lincoln
- 17. Where did Edward Jenner grow up and practice medicine?
A) Gloucestershire B) Manchester C) London D) Liverpool
- 18. What was the term used to describe the protection gained from being vaccinated against smallpox?
A) Immunity B) Tolerance C) Resistance D) Adaptation