Elijah & Elisha
  • 1. Who was Elijah's successor?
A) Elisha
B) Samuel
C) Isaiah
D) Jeremiah
  • 2. What did Elijah use to part the Jordan River?
A) His hands
B) A sword
C) A staff
D) His cloak
  • 3. Which King did Elijah confront about his idolatry?
A) Ahaz
B) Manasseh
C) Ahab
D) Jehoshaphat
  • 4. What miracle did Elisha perform for a widow?
A) Making bread
B) Raising the dead
C) Healing her son
D) Multiplying oil
  • 5. What happened to Elijah when he ascended to heaven?
A) He walked to heaven
B) He was buried
C) He disappeared
D) He was taken up in a whirlwind
  • 6. Where did Elijah show great courage against Queen Jezebel?
A) Mount Carmel
B) Mount Nebo
C) Mount Olive
D) Mount Sinai
  • 7. How did Elijah prove God’s power against the prophets of Baal?
A) By calling down fire from heaven
B) By making them flee
C) By causing a drought
D) By striking them with blindness
  • 8. What did Elisha ask a woman to do to provide for her sons?
A) Call for a king
B) Sell her house
C) Gather empty jars
D) Buy grain
  • 9. Where did Elijah find Elisha plowing?
A) At the market
B) At home
C) By the river
D) In the field
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