Yippee-Yay! Test
  • 1. What is the genre of "Yippee-Yay"?
A) historical fiction
B) expository nonfiction
C) realistic fiction
D) science fiction
  • 2. Which of the following statements is true about the Old West?
A) A cowboy's work was fun and not very hard.
B) There were lots of cowboys and cowgirls.
C) Not many women lived in the Old West.
D) The Old West was peaceful and calm.
  • 3. What is a rancher?
A) someone who moves cattle from place to place riding on a horse
B) someone who visited the Old West but never lived there
C) someone who wore a cowboy hat and bought cattle
D) someone who owns large tracts of land where they raise animals
  • 4. Who was responsible for tending the cattle?
A) horses
B) women
C) ranchers
D) cowboys
  • 5. What was the main purpose for the cattle drive from Texas to railhead towns?
A) to find more water to drink
B) to get to the other side
C) to get to a pasture to graze
D) to sell the cattle for profit
  • 6. Cowboys wore leather chaps over their pants. Why did they wear chaps?
A) to keep their bodies cool
B) to show who the main cowboy was
C) to keep their bodies warm
D) to protect their legs from getting hurt
  • 7. Why did the author say cowboys often burned their clothes after a long cattle drive?
A) because they hadn't changed clothes in months
B) because clothes were cheap and easy to replace
C) because they were tired of wearing them
D) because they were so smelly and dirty
  • 8. What was a cowboy's most prized possession?
A) his saddle
B) his rope
C) his horse
D) his boots
  • 9. What was the most difficult skill for a cowboy to learn?
A) roping cattle
B) saddling a horse
C) riding a horse
D) using the stars as a map
  • 10. Which of the following was used to guide the cowboy's horse?
A) bridle
B) stirrups
C) blanket
D) cantle
  • 11. What did a broncobuster do in the Old West?
A) fixed corrals for wild horses to stay in
B) made horses buck up on their back legs
C) got rid of wild horses on the ranch
D) rode a wild horse until it was tamed
  • 12. What is a corral?
A) the blanket that goes under the saddle
B) a cowboy or cowgirl
C) a plant that grows in the ocean
D) a fenced-in area for keeping horses or cattle
  • 13. "Ranchers were unable to fence in the entire boundary of their many acres of land." Why do you think this was?
A) The area or tract of land was too large.
B) Cowboys were too busy to build fences.
C) Ranchers couldn't afford materials to build fences.
D) There wasn't enough wood to build a fence.
  • 14. Which of the following is NOT a reason ranchers rounded up all of the cattle once or twice a year?
A) to return cattle that belonged to other ranchers
B) to brand the new calves
C) to drive the cattle to market
D) to count the herd
  • 15. What were cowboys who stole cattle from other ranchers called?
A) hustlers
B) rustlers
C) bronco busters
D) wranglers
  • 16. Why did the author say calves were easy to identify?
A) The rancher could remember when the calves were born.
B) The rancher had pictures of all of his calves.
C) The calves looked like their mothers.
D) The young calves followed their mothers.
  • 17. How was a cow branded?
A) by shaving a symbol into their fur
B) with a hot iron that burned a symbol into its skin
C) with a mark painted on the cow's side
D) with a tag attached to the cow's ear
  • 18. About how far could a cowboy drive a herd of cattle each day?
A) fifteen to twenty miles
B) twenty-five to thirty miles
C) twenty to twenty-five miles
D) ten to fifteen miles
  • 19. What did the chuck wagon carry on a trail drive?
A) food, cooking utensils, and bedding
B) wranglers and rustlers
C) extra clothes and toothbrushes
D) spare saddles and spurs
  • 20. What was another name for the trail boss, the cowboy who rode at the front of the herd?
A) the remuda
B) the forearm
C) the foreman
D) the point rider
  • 21. What did the wrangler do on a trail ride?
A) cooked the food for the other cowboys
B) guided the horses in the right direction
C) managed the spare horses, or the remuda
D) lassoed the cattle who got away from the herd
  • 22. Which of the following is NOT an important skill of the trail boss?
A) knowledge of the trail
B) skill of breaking wild broncos and making them tame
C) excellent tracking skills
D) ability to communicate with Native Americans
  • 23. What was the job of the flank riders?
A) keeping cattle within the herd
B) holding the lariats for other cowboys
C) reporting to the rancher
D) picking out the best cattle to sell at market
  • 24. Why was the job of the drag cowboys considered the worst of all?
A) They didn't get to eat until midnight each night.
B) They had to ride through the thick dust behind the herd.
C) They didn't make much money.
D) The other cowboys picked on them.
  • 25. What did the cowboys fear the most?
A) rustlers
B) rattlesnakes
C) a stampede
D) Native Americans
  • 26. Why did the cowboys tell stories and sing songs after dinner?
A) to share their culture
B) to thank the cookie for a good meal
C) to relax after a hard day
D) to scare the young cowboys
  • 27. How do you think the cowboys felt about their lives from reading or hearing the song, "Home on the Range?"
A) They thought it was scary.
B) They liked being cowboys.
C) They missed their families.
D) They did not like being cowboys.
  • 28. How would cattle get to the east?
A) on trains
B) by plane
C) by cattle drive
D) in trailers
  • 29. What was the first thing a cowboy did after dropping off the steer in town?
A) find a girl to go on a date
B) eat at a restaurant
C) get a hot bath and a shave
D) ride home
  • 30. What do cowboys and cowgirls do at a rodeo?
A) show off their skills
B) teach people to be cowhands
C) show off their animals
D) sing trail songs
  • 31. Which of the following is not a rodeo event?
A) bull riding
B) steer wrestling
C) sand trapping
D) cattle roping
  • 32. Why do cowboys not have to take cattle on long drives anymore?
A) Robot cowboys transport the cattle to market.
B) Most ranches are very close to railroads.
C) People no longer use cattle for food.
D) Computers take the cattle on the trail now.
  • 33. Cowboys and cowgirls today still use the skills of roping, branding, and riding horseback.
A) False
B) True
  • 34. What is a lariat?
A) a ranch
B) a hat
C) a rope
D) a spur
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