Spelling words week 2
  • 1. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) yoursel
B) Yourself
C) urself
D) youself
  • 2. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) maybee
B) mayb
C) maybe
D) mybe
  • 3. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) vetran
B) veteran
C) vetern
D) veteren
  • 4. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) komplete
B) complete
C) kompete
D) complet
  • 5. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) rather
B) ruther
C) rathar
D) rater
  • 6. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) krowd
B) croad
C) crowd
D) crouwd
  • 7. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) sence
B) cince
C) since
D) sinci
  • 8. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) fesh
B) fresh
C) frish
D) phresh
  • 9. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) peac
B) pease
C) piece
D) piese
  • 10. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) cottan
B) cotton
C) kotten
D) cotten
  • 11. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) forestrain
B) raynforust
C) rainforest
D) rainfourest
  • 12. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) colin
B) kolon
C) colon
D) kolin
  • 13. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) haven
B) heaven
C) heven
D) haeven
  • 14. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) saitin
B) sautin
C) catin
D) satin
  • 15. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) pengen
B) pinguin
C) peguin
D) penguin
  • 16. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) troopical
B) tropicul
C) tropical
D) tropikal
  • 17. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) orgunism
B) oganism
C) orgunusm
D) organism
  • 18. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) ecosistem
B) ecosystem
C) ecosystum
D) eckosystem
  • 19. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) community
B) comunitee
C) comunity
D) communnity
  • 20. Choose the word that is correctly spelled.
A) reproduce
B) repruduce
C) reproduece
D) repoduce
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