PAS 1 B.INGGRIS KLS 1 2020/2021
  • 1. Students: good morning, teacher.
    Teacher: .good ....... students.
A) evening
B) afternoon
C) morning
  • 2. Before go to bed, we say …
A) good night
B) good afternoon
C) good evening
  • 3. The eggplant is ....
A) blue
B) purple
C) yellow
  • 4. I put my books in the ...
A) desk
B) bag
C) chair
  • 5. Seta : What is this?
    Tigor : This is a ....
A) chair
B) board
C) desk
  • 6. We need .... to clean the marks.
A) rubber
B) book
C) pencil
  • 7. this is number ...
A) Five
B) Seven
C) Six
  • 8. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ....
A) nine
B) eight
C) ten
  • 9. We can hear with our ....
A) nose
B) mouth
C) ear
  • 10. We have a ..... that is used to smell.
A) ears
B) nose
C) eyes
  • 11. My ... is old.
A) father
B) grandma
C) grandpa
  • 12. Father, mother, brother, and sister are my ....
A) classmate
B) friends
C) family
  • 13. face means ....
A) wajah
B) tangan
C) kepala
  • 14. Ms. Ani is my father's mother. I call her ....
A) grandma
B) sister
C) mother
  • 15. F - T - A - R - H - E =
A) mother
B) brother
C) father
  • 16. The right command is ...
A) look at me
B) sit down
C) stand up
  • 17. It is yellow and monkey loves this fruit. what is it?
A) grapes
B) mango
C) banana
  • 18. Mango, apple, banana are kinds of ....
A) vegetables
B) animals
C) fruits
  • 19. mela : What is this?
    Lia : this is a ...
A) a red pen
B) red book
C) red pencil
  • 20. meilin : do you know what is it, reza?
    reza : it is a ...
A) red chair
B) green chair
C) blue chair
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