Henry Ford
  • 1. Did he like to work in the farm?
A) When his father was away
B) When his mother was away
C) Yes, he loved it
D) No, he was there just for his mum
  • 2. What was called his first car?
A) Model X
B) Model T
C) Model S
D) Model F
  • 3. Did the ALAM accepted his request?
A) No
B) Yes
  • 4. Who did he race?
A) Alexander Winton
B) Fernado Alonso
C) None of the above
D) Mark Williams
  • 5. How many cars did he make everyday?
A) 14
B) 89
C) 15
D) 11
  • 6. Where did he work in 1891?
A) Edison illuminating company
B) The Ford company
C) Standard oil
D) McDonalds
  • 7. How many years did his second company lasted?
A) Less than 1 year
B) 2 years
C) More than 1 year
D) 10 years
  • 8. What was the name of his most successful plane?
A) Douglas dc3
B) Ford 4AT Trimotor
C) Bell x1
D) Airbus a380
  • 9. What did he do in the UK?
A) Cars and bikes
B) Spaceships and boats
C) Tractors, trucks and aircrafts
D) None of the above
  • 10. Who encouraged Ford to run for a seat in the U.S. Senate?
A) None of the above
B) Woodrow Wilson
C) His father
D) Abraham Lincoln
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