- 1. Which Gospel first mentions the discovery of the empty tomb?
A) Mark B) John C) Matthew D) Luke
- 2. What day of the week was Jesus found to be risen?
A) Saturday B) Friday C) Monday D) Sunday
- 3. Who were the first to discover the empty tomb according to the Gospels?
A) Women B) Pharisees C) Disciples D) Roman soldiers
- 4. Which woman is prominently mentioned in all four Gospels regarding the resurrection?
A) Mary the mother of Jesus B) Mary Magdalene C) Martha D) Salome
- 5. Which Gospel describes a ‘great earthquake’ at the time of the resurrection?
A) Matthew B) Mark C) Luke D) John
- 6. Which Gospel records a conversation between Mary Magdalene and Jesus at the tomb?
A) Matthew B) John C) Mark D) Luke
- 7. What did Peter and John find when they ran to the tomb?
A) The tomb empty B) The stone rolled back C) A crowd of people D) The body of Jesus
- 8. Which Gospel includes the phrase 'Why do you seek the living among the dead?'
A) John B) Matthew C) Luke D) Mark
- 9. What did the guards at the tomb report?
A) No one approached B) They fell asleep C) Jesus was still there D) The tomb was empty