• 1. This fingerprint pattern commonly has one delta and one core
A) Delta
B) Whorl
C) Loop
D) Arches
  • 2. Also called outer terminus.
A) Core
B) Forrow
C) Delta
D) Ridge
  • 3. A point along a ridge formation found at the center or near the center of the
    diverging type lines.
A) Delta
B) Forrow
C) Ridge
D) Core
  • 4. The ff. are ridge formation that can serve as a Delta, except:
A) Appendage
B) Short ridge
C) Island or dot
D) Bifurcation
  • 5. If there are two or more Deltas, which of them should be selected?
A) Near to the core
B) Far to the core
  • 6. Also known as the Heart or the Inner Terminus
A) Core
B) Delta
C) Arche
D) Loop
  • 7. If there are five(5) rods or bars inside the innermost sufficient recurve,
    which one should be chosen as the Core?
A) The 5th rod
B) The 3rd rod
C) The 1st rod
D) The 2nd rod
  • 8. If there are four (4) rods or bars inside the innermost sufficient recurve,
    which one should be chosen as the Core?
A) 1st rod
B) 4th rod
C) 2nd rod
D) 3rd rod
  • 9. These are two focal points or terminuses of a fingerprint pattern
A) Delta & Core
B) Whorl & Loop
C) Island or dot
D) Ridges & Forrow
  • 10. The process of counting the ridges that touch or cross an imaginary line
    drawn between the Delta and Core of a loop
A) Ridge Counting
B) Forrows
C) Delta
D) Ridge tracing
  • 11. Delta and Core is always included in ridge counting. This statement is?
A) True
B) False
  • 12. A ridge island or a dot ridge gives how many ridge counts?
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 3
  • 13. A short ridge gives how many ridge counts?
A) 2
B) 1
C) 4
D) 3
  • 14. A long ridge gives how many ridge counts?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
  • 15. An abrupt ending ridge gives how many ridge counts?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 2
D) 4
  • 16. A ridge enclosure gives how many ridge counts?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) 2
  • 17. A criss-crossing ridge gives how many ridge counts?
A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1
  • 18. It is known as the number of ridges intervening between Delta and Core
A) Ridge tracing
B) Core
C) Ridge Count
D) Ridge & Forrows
  • 19. The process of counting the ridges intervening between the tracing ridge
    and the right Delta
A) Ridge Counting
B) Ridge tracing
C) Delta
D) Core
  • 20. This process is used to determine the three subdivisions of whorls into
    inner, outer, and meeting
A) Ridge Tracing
B) Ridge Counting
C) Intervening Ridge
  • 21. The number of ridges that intervenes between the right delta and tracing
A) Intervening Ridge
B) Ridge Counting
C) Ridge Tracing
  • 22. When the tracing proceeds above or in-front of the right delta and there are
    three or more intervening ridges
A) Outer Whorl
B) Meeting Whorl
C) Inner Whorl
  • 23. When the tracing proceeds outside or below the right delta and there are
    three or more intervening ridges.
A) Inner Whorl
B) Outer Whorl
C) Meeting Whorl
  • 24. When the tracing proceeds above or below the right delta and there are two
    or less intervening ridges
A) Outer Whorl
B) Inner Whorl
C) Meeting Whorl
  • 25. The three (3) general groups of fingerprint patterns
A) Inner, Outer, Meeting
B) Delta, Core, Ridge
C) Loops, Whorls, Arches
D) Forrow, Dot, Appendage
  • 26. The Loop family is composed of how many percentages?
A) 30%
B) 60%
C) 35%
D) 5%
  • 27. The Arch family is composed of how many percentages?
A) 5%
B) 30%
C) 60%
D) 35%
  • 28. The Whorl family is composed of how many percentages?
A) 35%
B) 60%
C) 5%
D) 30%
  • 29. The Loop family is subdivided into these groups.
A) Central & Double
B) Ulnar & Radial
C) Plain & Tented
  • 30. The Arch family is subdivided into these groups.
A) Plain & Tented
B) Ulnar & Radial
C) Central & Double
  • 31. The Whorl family is subdivided into these groups, except:
A) Radial loop
B) Accidental Whorl
C) Double Loop Whorl
D) Plain Whorl
E) Central Pocket Loop Whorl
  • 32. A type of fingerprint pattern in which the ridges enter on either side of
    impression, recurve or turning back on itself for one or more of the ridges
A) Arch
B) Whorl
C) Loop
D) Bifurcation
  • 33. These are elements of a Loop, except:
A) It must have a bifurcation
B) It must have a ridge count at least one (1)
C) It must have a delta
D) It must have a core
E) It must have a sufficient recurve
  • 34. Loops which the opening of sufficient recurve opens or flows towards the
    little finger
A) Radial Loop
B) Ulnar Loop
  • 35. Loops which the opening of sufficient recurve opens or flows OPPOSITE
    the little finger
A) Radial Loop
B) Ulna bone
C) Radios bone
D) Ulnar Loop
  • 36. This bone in the forearm extends from the lateral side of the elbow to the
    thumb side of the wrist
A) Ulna bone
B) Ulnar Loop
C) Radial Loop
D) Radios bone
  • 37. This bone in the forearm stretches from the elbow to the smallest finger
A) Mega bone
B) Radios bone
C) Bone marrow
D) Ulna bone
  • 38. In fingerprint impressions, when the loop enters and exits from the little
    finger of the hand, the pattern will always be what?
A) Plain Arch
B) Radial Loop
C) Tented Arch
D) Ulnar Loop
  • 39. In fingerprint impressions, when the loop enters and exits from the thumb
    side of the hand, the pattern will always be what?
A) Tented arch
B) Ulnar Loop
C) Plain Arch
D) Radial Loop
  • 40. This is a pattern in which the majority of the ridges flows from one side to
    the other side of the pattern; without recurving.
A) Ulnar Loop
B) Tented Arch
C) Plain Arch
D) Plain Whorl
  • 41. It is a pattern consisting of two deltas and which at least one ridge makes a
    turn through one complete circuit
A) Plain Whorl
B) Radial Loop
C) Plain Arch
D) Tented Arch
  • 42. When a straight line drawn from left to right delta touches or crosses any
    circuiting ridge, it would resemble what fingerprint pattern?
A) Plain Whorl
B) Plain Arch
C) Tented Arch
D) Central Pocket Loop Whorl
  • 43. When a straight line drawn from left to right delta did not touch or cross any
    circuiting ridge, it would resemble what fingerprint pattern?
A) Plain Whorl
B) Central Pocket Loop Whorl
C) Tented Arch
D) Double Loop Whorl
  • 44. This type of fingerprint pattern consists of two separate and distinct loop
    formations, with sets of shoulders and two deltas.
A) Double Loop Whorl
B) Accidental Whorl
C) Plain Whorl
D) Central Pocket Loop Whorl
  • 45. It is a recurving ridge complete in its shoulder (having two shoulders) and is free from any appendage (without appendage)
A) Looping Ridge
B) Appendage
C) Sufficient recurve
D) Bifurcation
  • 46. It is a single ridge that divides itself in two branches. It is sometimes called
    a “fork”
A) Sufficient recurve
B) Dot or Island
C) Bifurcation
D) Appendage
  • 47. This fingerprint pattern cannot be seen in an Accidental Whorl pattern
A) Ulnar Loop
B) Radial Loop
C) Plain Arch
D) Tented Arch
  • 48. It is a fingerprint pattern consisting of a combination of two different types
    of pattern
A) Plain Whorl
B) Central Pocket Whorl
C) Double Loop Whorl
D) Accidental Whorl
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