  • 1. Who is credited with composing the epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey?
A) Homer
B) Plato
C) Virgil
D) Aristotle
  • 2. Which epic poem tells the story of the Trojan War and features Achilles and Hector as central characters?
A) Odyssey
B) Aeneid
C) Iliad
D) Paradise Lost
  • 3. In the Odyssey, who is the protagonist trying to return home after the Trojan War?
A) Heracles
B) Odysseus
C) Perseus
D) Agamemnon
  • 4. What mythical creature did Odysseus encounter on his journey home?
A) Chimera
B) Minotaur
C) Sirens
D) Cyclops
  • 5. Who is the wife of Odysseus in the Odyssey?
A) Andromache
B) Helen
C) Circe
D) Penelope
  • 6. In the Iliad, which Greek king led the siege of Troy?
A) Agamemnon
B) Achilles
C) Ajax
D) Menelaus
  • 7. Which goddess helped Odysseus during his journey back to Ithaca?
A) Venus
B) Artemis
C) Athena
D) Aphrodite
  • 8. Who was the blind prophet in the Odyssey who helped Odysseus on his journey?
A) Teiresias
B) Tiresias
C) Calypso
D) Chiron
  • 9. Which character in the Iliad is known for his exceptional bravery and skill in battle?
A) Hector
B) Achilles
C) Diomedes
D) Ajax
  • 10. What is the name of Odysseus' son in the Odyssey?
A) Aeneas
B) Telemachus
C) Perseus
D) Heracles
  • 11. Who is the sea nymph who detains Odysseus on her island in the Odyssey?
A) Circe
B) Athena
C) Scylla
D) Calypso
  • 12. Which hero in the Odyssey is turned into a swine by Circe but later restored to human form?
A) Argos
B) Elpenor
C) Perimedes
D) Eurylochus
  • 13. In the Iliad, who is the greatest of the Trojan warriors?
A) Hector
B) Aeneas
C) Paris
D) Priam
  • 14. Which kingdom does Odysseus rule over in the Odyssey?
A) Troy
B) Athens
C) Sparta
D) Ithaca
  • 15. Which character in the Iliad is known for his strength and loyalty to Achilles?
A) Hector
B) Ajax
C) Diomedes
D) Patroclus
  • 16. What weapon does Achilles use to kill Hector in the Iliad?
A) Sword
B) Club
C) Bow and arrow
D) Spear
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