Sat/Act Vocabulary Test
  • 1. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
A) Abase
B) Abduction
C) Abdominal
D) Abbot
  • 2. The lady superior of a nunnery.
A) Abbey
B) Abdomen
C) Abbot
D) Abbess
  • 3. The group of buildings witch collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.
A) Abbey
B) Abrade
C) Abscond
D) Abase
  • 4. The superior of a community of monks.
A) Abnormal
B) Abbot
C) Abbess
D) Abase
  • 5. To give up (royal power or the like).
A) Abdicate
B) Abbot
C) Abbey
D) Abbess
  • 6. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly.
A) Abdomen
B) Abdicate
C) Absolve
D) Aberration
  • 7. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen.
A) Abduction
B) Abed
C) Abdominal
D) Abbey
  • 8. A carrying away of person against his will, or illegally.
A) Abbot
B) Abbot
C) Abdominal
D) Abduction
  • 9. In bed; on a bed.
A) Abet
B) Abed
C) Abeyance
D) Aberration
  • 10. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course.
A) Abed
B) Abeyance
C) Abet
D) Aberration
  • 11. To aid, promote, or encore age the commission of (an offence).
A) Abbey
B) Abase
C) Abet
D) Abdicate
  • 12. A state of suspension or temporary inaction.
A) Abed
B) Abet
C) Abeyance
D) Aberration
  • 13. The act of detesting extremely.
A) Abidance
B) Abhorrence
C) Abduction
D) Abhorrent
  • 14. Very repugnant; hateful.
A) Abidance
B) Abeyance
C) Abhorrent
D) Abhorrence
  • 15. An abiding.
A) Abduction
B) Abet
C) Abdomen
D) Abidance
  • 16. Sunk to a low condition.
A) Abbey
B) Abdominal
C) Abhorrence
D) Abject
  • 17. To recant, renounce,repudiat under oath.
A) Abeyance
B) Abet
C) Abjure
D) Abidance
  • 18. Competent for physical service.
A) Abhorrent
B) Abjure
C) Able-bodied
D) Abase
  • 19. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.
A) Abject
B) Abidance
C) Ablution
D) Abeyance
  • 20. To renounce (a right of privilege).
A) Abduction
B) Ablution
C) Abnegate
D) Abhorrent
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