__ | 11. | Britains Prime Minister 1763 | | A. | King George the III |
__ | 12. | Help start Sons of Liberty | | B. | George Grenville |
__ | 13. | Issued the Proclamation of 176 | | C. | Sugar Act |
__ | 14. | Lowered Tax on Molasses | | D. | Samuel Adams |
__ | 15. | Stamp Act Congress met here | | E. | Stamp Act |
__ | 16. | Taxed all printed materials | | F. | New York |
__ | 17. | Taxed imported Goods | | G. | Patrick Henry |
__ | 18. | Virginia House of Burgess | | H. | Townshend Acts |
__ | 19. | Women that boycotted goods | | I. | Daughters of Liberty |