The Noble Prophet Quiz
  • 1. In Islam, an orphan is __________ whose father is late
A) A person
B) A boy
C) A Muslim
D) A child
  • 2. "Bin" is to __________ as "Bint" is to __________
A) The son of/The daughter of
B) Boy/Girl
C) Son/Daugther
D) Masculine/Feminine
  • 3. The Arabic word for "orphan" is ______________
A) الضعيف
B) الفقير
C) المسكين
D) اليتيم
  • 4. "اليتيم" means _________________
A) Poor
B) Widow
C) Orphan
D) Beggar
  • 5. An orphan is __________
A) A child whose father is late
B) A person whose parents are late
C) A child whose parents are late
D) A child without a father or mother or both
  • 6. Orphanage status ends at the point of _____________
A) Marriage
B) Death
C) Puberty
D) Infancy
  • 7. A child becomes an orphan by the death of __________
A) Their parents
B) Their mother only
C) Their father or mother
D) Their father only
  • 8. ________________ was/were decribed as an orphan in the Qur'an
A) Prophet Muhammad
B) Prophet Isa
C) All the Prophets
D) Nobody
  • 9. The Prophet was described as an orphan in Surah ____________
A) Al-Yateem
B) Al-Qasas
C) Ad-Duha
D) Muhammad
  • 10. _____________ is the modern day Sham
A) Syria
B) Palestine
C) Saudi Arabia
D) Turkey
  • 11. Maysarah is to ____________ as Nafeesah is to _____________
A) Female/Male
B) Servant/Friend
C) Khadijah/Muhammad
D) Mother/Daugther
  • 12. Maysarah is to ____________ as Nafeesah is to _____________
A) Female/Female
B) Male/Female
C) Female/Male
D) Male/Male
  • 13. Maysarah is to ____________ as Hamzah is to _____________
A) Female/Male
B) Male/Male
C) Female/Female
D) Male/Female
  • 14. Maysarah is to _____________ as Nafeesah is to _____________
A) Marriage/Business
B) Marriage/Marriage
C) Business/Business
D) Business/Marriage
  • 15. Maysarah is of the _________ gender
A) Unknown
B) Complicated
C) Male
D) Female
  • 16. Nafeesah is of the ____________ gender
A) Male
B) Unknown
C) Complicated
D) Female
  • 17. The name of Khadeejah's servant is ______________
A) Maysar
B) Maysarah
C) No answer
D) Maniyyah
  • 18. The name of Khadeejah's friend is ______________
A) Maysarah
B) Maysar
C) Maniyyah
D) Nafeesah
  • 19. Did Khadeejah propose to the Prophet?
A) No
B) Yes
C) Yes, but indirectly
D) Yes, but through her friend
  • 20. Did the Prophet propose to Khadeejah?
A) Yes, but through his uncle
B) No at all
C) Yes, but through Abubakr
D) Yes
  • 21. Who is the Prophet's uncle?
A) Abd al-Muttalib
B) Abdullah
C) Abu Taalib
D) Abu Quhafa
  • 22. The Prophet is Abu Taalib's ___________
A) Cousin
B) Friend
C) Servant
D) Nephew
  • 23. The Prophet had ___________ wives altogether
A) 11
B) 4
C) 8
D) 14
  • 24. A Kunyah is _____________
A) Nickname
B) Alias
C) Birth name
D) Any name that is preceded by Abu or Ummu
  • 25. Pick out the odd option
A) Abdullah
B) Abu Turaab
C) Abu al-Qaasim
D) Abu Taalib
  • 26. Pick out the odd option
A) Ruqayyah
B) Hafsah
C) Aisha
D) Khadeejah
  • 27. Amr bin Asad is Khadeejah's ______________
A) Servant
B) Uncle
C) Father
D) Brother
  • 28. The general Kunyah for every wife of the Prophet is ___________
A) Ummu al-Khayr
B) Ummu al-Mu'mineen
C) Ummu al-Muslimeen
D) Ummu al-ummah
  • 29. The Prophet's paternal lineage is ____________________
A) Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab
B) Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Abd Manaf bin Hashim
C) Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Kilab bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay
D) Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Kilab bin Qusay
  • 30. The Prophet's maternal lineage is ___________________
A) Amina bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf bin Zuhra bin Kilab
B) Amina bint Wahb bin Zuhra bin Abd Manaf bin Kilab
C) Amina bint Manaf bin Wahb bin Kilab bin Zuhra
D) Amina bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf bin Kilab bin Zuhra
  • 31. The Prophet's mother is: Amina bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf bin Zuhra bin Kilab
A) No
B) Yes
  • 32. The Prophet's mother is: Amina bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf bin Kilab bin Zuhra
A) Yes
B) No
  • 33. The Prophet's father is: Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab
A) No
B) Yes
  • 34. The Prophet's father is: Abdullah bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Abd Manaf bin Hashim
A) No
B) Yes
  • 35. The Prophet was a/an _____________
A) African
B) Asian
C) Arab
D) No answer
  • 36. The Prophet was born in ______________
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Makkah
C) Ka'bah
D) Madinah
  • 37. The Prophet was born in ______________
A) The year of elephant
B) 590 AD
C) Medinah
D) 600 AH
  • 38. The Prophet was nicknamed as ____________ because he was trustworthy
A) Al-amaanah
B) As-saadiq
C) As-sidq
D) Al-ameen
  • 39. The Prophet lived with his foster mother for _______ years
A) 5
B) 4
C) 8
D) 6
  • 40. The Prophet became an orphan when he was _____________
A) No answer
B) 4 years
C) 2 years
D) 6 years
  • 41. The Prophet's father died when he (the Prophet) was 4 years old
A) True
B) False
  • 42. The Prophet was famous for his _______________
A) Good stature
B) Family background
C) Good manners
D) Unique name
  • 43. As-saadiq means _____________
A) The trustworthy
B) The noble
C) The truthful
D) The pious
  • 44. The people of Makkah entrusted their ___________ with the Prophet
A) Gold
B) Property
C) Children
D) Family
  • 45. Al-ameen means ______________
A) The truthful
B) The trustworthy
C) The noble
D) The pious
  • 46. The Prophet was famous for _________ main characters
A) 5
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
  • 47. _____________ took care of the Prophet after the death of his mother
A) Halimah as-Sa'adiyyah
B) Abu Taalib
C) The Quraish family
D) Abd al-Muttalib
  • 48. The Prophet's father passed way before his birth
A) True
B) False
  • 49. The Prophet was named by ___________ at birth
A) His mother
B) Allah
C) His Uncle
D) His grandfather
  • 50. How old was the Prophet when his mother passed away?
A) 4 years
B) 7 years
C) 6 years
D) 8 years
  • 51. Who was the Prophet's foster mother?
A) Nafeesah bint Maniyyah
B) Aaminah al-Madaniyyah
C) Halimah as-Sa'adiyyah
D) Raadiyah an-Naijiriyyah
  • 52. _________________ is the Prophet's grandfather
A) Abu Sufyan
B) Abu Lahb
C) Abd al-Muttalib
D) Abu Taalib
  • 53. _______________ is the Prophet's uncle
A) Abu Taalib
B) Abu Aamir
C) Abd al-Muttalib
D) Abd Taalib
  • 54. The Prophet engaged in ____________ during his youth.
A) Teaching
B) Trade
C) Battle
D) Da'wah
  • 55. Where did the Prophet travel to before he was raised to Prophethood?
A) Madinah
B) Abyssinia
C) Sham
D) Ethiopia
  • 56. The Prophet's daugthers include the following except ____________
A) Zaynab
B) Hafsah
C) Ruqayyah
D) Fatimah
  • 57. Pick out the odd option
A) Al-qaasim
B) Ibrahim
C) Abdullah
  • 58. All the Prophet's children are from Khadeejah except ______________
A) Zaynab
B) Fatimah
C) Abdullah
D) Ibrahim
  • 59. The Prophet was survived by ________________
A) Abdullah
B) Zaynab
C) Fatimah
D) Ibrahim
  • 60. The Prophet's son, Ibrahim, was born in Makkah
A) True
B) False
  • 61. All the Prophet's children were born in Makkah ______________
A) False
B) True
  • 62. Who described the Prophet's good morals to Khadeejah?
A) His friend, Abubakr
B) His uncle, Abu Taalib
C) Her father, Abu Quhafa
D) Her servant, Maysarah
  • 63. The Prophet married Khadeejah when he was _________ years
A) 45
B) 40
C) 25
D) 30
  • 64. Khadeejah got married to the Prophet when she was __________ years
A) 30
B) 25
C) 45
D) 40
  • 65. The Prophet had __________ children
A) 7
B) 4
C) 11
D) 3
  • 66. The Prophet had ___________ sons
A) 5
B) 3
C) 2
D) 4
  • 67. The Prophet had __________ daugthers
A) 3
B) 7
C) 4
D) 5
  • 68. khadeejah had __________ children for the Prophet
A) 4
B) 6
C) 5
D) 7
  • 69. All the Prophet's sons died beofre Islam except ______________
A) Abdullah
B) Ibrahim
C) Al-qaasim
D) Al-ameen
  • 70. The Prophet made _____________ profit for Khadeejah
A) Huge
B) Moderate
C) Little
D) Fair
  • 71. The Prophet married Khadeejah when he was 40 years old
A) False
B) True
  • 72. The following are examples of Kunyah except ____________
A) Abu al-Qaasim
B) Abdullah
C) Abu Turaab
D) Abu Taalib
  • 73. Who named the Prophet Muhammad?
A) Abd al-Muttalib
B) Abu Taalib
C) His mother, Aaminah
D) Allah
  • 74. All the wives of the Prophet had children for him except Mariya al-Qibtiyyah
A) True
B) False
  • 75. The Prophet was born on ______________
A) 20th Rabee' al-Awwal
B) 8th Rabee' al-Awwal
C) 12th Ramadan
D) Monday
  • 76. There is no certainty regarding the Prophet's birth date
A) False
B) True
  • 77. It is certain that the Prophet was born on ______________
A) Monday
B) Friday
C) 12th Rabee' al-Awwal
D) Monday, 12th Rabee' al-Awwal
  • 78. Aam al-feel means ______________________
A) Suratul Fil
B) The general event
C) The year of elephant
D) The year of joy
  • 79. It is certain that the Prophet died on ______________
A) Wednesday
B) Sunday
C) Friday
D) Monday
  • 80. The majority of scholars agreed that the Prophet died on ______________
A) 10th Rabee' al-Awwal
B) 1st Rabee' al-Awwal
C) 12th Rabee' al-Awwal
D) 2nd Rabee' al-Awwal
  • 81. The Prophet's father's lineage shares origin with his mother's, in _______________
A) Quraish
B) Hashim
C) Wahb
D) Kilaab
  • 82. Arab children were usually taken to _____________ so they could learn Arabic from native speakers
A) Makkah
B) The Ka'abah
C) Madinah
D) The desert
  • 83. The Prophet's grandfather passed away when he was ___________ years old
A) 7
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
  • 84. Who took care of the Prophet after the demise of his grandfather?
A) Abu Lahb
B) Halimah as-Sa'adiyyah
C) Abu Taalib
D) Abu Sufyan
  • 85. The Prophet reduced the burden on his uncle by ________________________
A) Praying for him
B) Helping him on errand
C) Tendering the sheep
D) Consoling him
  • 86. The Prophet's ____________ was poor and had many children
A) Family
B) Nephew
C) Uncle
D) Grandfather
  • 87. Khadeejah was one of the noblest people of ___________________
A) Madinah
B) Quraish
C) No answer
D) Arab
  • 88. Khadeejah invited the Prophet to trade when he was ______________ years old
A) 20
B) 35
C) 40
D) 25
  • 89. Khadeejah's admiration for the Prophet's _____________ made her really want to marry him
A) Physique
B) Revelation
C) Morals
D) Lineage
  • 90. The Prophet married Khadeejah when she was _________ years
A) 40
B) 30
C) 45
D) 25
  • 91. The Prophet's son, Abdullah, was born in Makkah
A) True
B) False
  • 92. Khadeejah and Aisha lived with the Prophet
A) True
B) False
  • 93. _______________ is one of the Prophet's daughters
A) Sawdah
B) Zainab
C) Safiyyah
D) Hafsah
  • 94. _____________ is one of the Prophet's wives
A) Ruqayyah
B) Zainab
C) Fatima
D) Umm Kulthum
  • 95. The following are the Prophet's wives except _____________
A) Khadeejah
B) Fatimah
C) Safiyyah
D) Umm Salama
  • 96. The true love for the Prophet is shown by ________________
A) Following his command and abstaining from what he prohibited
B) By following his command, only
C) By fasting on Monday, always
D) By celebrating his birthday
  • 97. The one who celebrates the Prophet's has contractdiced his Sunnah
A) False
B) True
  • 98. The Prophet and his companions celebrated his birthday
A) True
B) False
  • 99. What is the position of celebrating the Prophet's birthday in Islam
A) Bid'ah (innovation)
B) Wajib (compulsory)
C) Sunnah
D) Halal
  • 100. Whoever introduces into the religion, that which is not part of it, will have such_____________
A) Rejected
B) Accepted
C) Certified
D) Commended
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