• 1. It is primarily consist of living organisms, decomposing matter, and organic compounds that contribute to soil fertility and structure.
A) Natural Source
B) Natural Constituents
C) Organic Matters
D) Organic Constituents
E) Organic Minerals
  • 2. A matter which is dry and in finely divided form.
A) Grime
B) Smoke
C) Dirt
D) Dust
E) Mud
  • 3. It forms over thousands of years through the weathering of rocks and the decomposition of organic materials.
A) Soil
B) Rocks
C) Gems
D) Diamond
E) Minerals
  • 4. Rocks that had undergone changed in structure, texture through pressure, beat and chemical reaction.
A) Colluvial Rocks
B) Metamorphic Rocks
C) Igneous Rocks
D) Sedimentary Rocks
E) Sedentary Soil
  • 5. Soil particles that were washed, blows, or moved by gravity to the lowlands.
A) Sedentary Soil
B) Colluvial Soil
C) Allovial Soil
D) Sedimentary Soil
E) Alluvial Soil
  • 6. Soil usually in form of dust is usually recovered from shoes, slippers, clothes, tires, tools and furniture.
A) True is False
B) True
C) True and False
D) False
E) True or False
  • 7. It is when dust is mixed with the sweat and grease of the human body this formed.
A) Dirt
B) Grime
C) Mud
D) Dust
E) Soil
  • 8. It is known to be inactive or not migratory soil.
A) Soil
B) Alluvial Soil
C) Colluvial Soil
D) Sedimentary Soil
E) Sedentary Soil
  • 9. A soil formed from the decomposition of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, the decomposed particles moved by gravity.
A) Sedentary Soil
B) Collovial Soil
C) Soil
D) Colluvial Soil
E) Alluvial Soil
  • 10. It is an apparatus that is used in simple procedure of determining the identity or non-identity of soil samples based on the density distribution.
A) Density Gradient Device
B) Density Gradient Apparatus
C) Any of these
D) Gradient Density Apparatus
E) Density Apparatus
  • 11. It is the finely powdered material that maybe found on the clothing and footwear of employees engaged in such industries.
A) Road and footpath Dust
B) Industrial Dust
C) Occupational Dust
D) Duster
E) Dust deposites from the air
  • 12. It is the uppermost layer of Earth's crust, composed of a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and microorganisms that support life.
A) Soil
B) Mantel
C) Core
D) Mineral
E) Crust
  • 13. Includes undecomposed rock fragments ranging from stone down through pebbles, sand and silt.
A) Organic Constituents
B) Clay Minerals
C) Oras na para mag huhu
D) Primary Minerals
E) All are correct
  • 14. A branch of geology that deals with the systematic classification and identification of rocks, rock forming minerals and soils.
A) Poroscopy
B) Petrography
C) Petroscopy
D) Biology
E) Geology
  • 15. A good casting material must harden slowly to a rigid mass.
A) Sometimes
B) True
C) Maybe
D) It depends
E) False
  • 16. _________ is any material which can be changed from a plastic or liquid state to the solid condition.
A) Rubber
B) Casting Material
C) Clay
D) Plaster of Paris
E) Cement
  • 17. Rocks formed by sediments.
A) Sedementary Rocks
B) Igneous Rocks
C) Sedimentary Rocks
D) Sedentary
E) Metamorphic Rocks
  • 18. _______ produced by a single application of the tool in one area of contact.
A) Kiss Mark
B) Friction Marks
C) Compression Mark
D) Shoe Mark
E) Tool Mark
  • 19. _________ are series of scratches or striations produced by pushing a tool across the surface.
A) Friction Marks
B) Compression Marks
C) Fiction Marks
D) Marks
E) Tool Marks
  • 20. It is a weak mark made by pressure that stays on the surface.
A) Imprint
B) Moulage
C) Impression
D) Compression Marks
E) Inprint
  • 21. A good casting material must be easy to apply.
A) True
B) Maybe
C) False
D) Sometimes
E) It depends
  • 22. Impression can cause damage to the objects.
A) Baka po
B) Maybe
C) True
D) Sometimes
E) False
  • 23. It is used to create detailed, durable casts of impressions left at crime scenes.
A) Imprint
B) Casting Material
C) Plaster of Paris
D) Moulage
E) Cement
  • 24. It is a strong mark produced by pressure hat goes below the surface.
A) Moulage
B) Compression Marks
C) Imprint
D) Impression
E) Friction Marks
  • 25. It is a faithful reproduction of an impression with the use of casting materials.
A) Plaster of Paris
B) Casting Material
C) Replica
D) Moulage
E) Imprint
  • 26. A type of person who has passion for fire that can be satisfied only by watching flames.
A) Nymphomaniac
B) Psychotic
C) Pyromania
D) Pyromaniac
E) Delulu
  • 27. Flammable Liquid is also know as _______
A) Kerosene
B) Accelerants
C) Water
D) Gasoline
E) Fire Starter
  • 28. Under Philippine law, arson is a criminal offense defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code (RPC), as amended by ______________
A) Presidential Decree No. 1623 (The Anti-Arson Law)
B) Presidential Decree No. 1613 (The Anti-Arson Law)
C) Presidential Decree No. 1603 (The Anti-Arson Law)
D) Presidential Decree No. 1683 (The Anti-Arson Law)
E) Presidential Decree No. 1633 (The Anti-Arson Law)
  • 29. The property burned is an inhabited building, public structure, or place used for worship or education.
A) Simple Arson
B) Arson
C) Special Cases
D) Qualified Arson
E) Destructive Arson
  • 30. Substances or devices deliberately used to ignite fires, often in arson cases or for destructive purposes.
A) Incendiary Matters
B) Incendiary Substances
C) Incendiary Devices
D) Incendiary Chemicals
E) Incendiary Materials
  • 31. Lightning Strikes that can ignite dry vegetation or buildings is an example of __________
A) Natural Causes of Fire
B) Environmental Factors
C) Human Negligence
D) Set Fire
E) Natural Cases of Fire
  • 32. Dry vegetation (e.g., hay, leaves) when combined with heat sources or accelerants is an example of _________
A) Natural Incendiaries
B) Environmental Incendiaries
C) Incendiary Materials
D) Chemical Incendiaries
E) Imporvised Materials
  • 33. Those who set fire for purpose of intimidation.
A) Motivational Fore setter
B) Person with motive to set fire
C) Person with motive to set fire to the rain
D) Automotive Person
E) Person without motive but will set fire
  • 34. Existence of fire is not necessary in Arson Cases.
A) Any of these
B) None of this
C) True
D) True and False are Correct
E) False
  • 35. Arson is _______
A) Accidental
B) Motivational
C) Inspirational
D) Educational
E) Intentional
  • 36. Burning multiple properties in a single act or incident.
A) Arson
B) Multiple Arson
C) Pyromaniac
D) Pyromania
E) Setting of fire
  • 37. The fire must not have been caused by accident or lawful activity.
A) Ha?
B) Property Involved
C) Existence of Fire
D) Willful and malicious Intent
E) Lack of lawful cause
  • 38. A criminal act of intentionally setting fire to property, buildings, or other objects with the intent to cause damage or harm.
A) Arson with Murder
B) Robbery
C) Arson
D) Arsonist
E) None of these
  • 39. it is study/science about poison
  • 40. A substance that when introduced to the body and this absorbed by the blood that can cause nauseous effect
A) Antidote
B) Drugs
D) Poison
  • 41. It is commonly use in Forensic and Legal purposes
A) DNA Analysis
C) DNA Profiling
D) DNA Typing
  • 42. It is determining genetic makeup
A) DNA Typing
C) DNA Profiling
D) DNA Analysis
  • 43. It is possibly the oldest known explosive.
A) Gun Powder
B) Fire Bombs
C) Black Powder
D) Explosive
E) Smokeless Powder
  • 44. It does not contain carbon
A) Irritants
B) Corrosives
C) Organic Poison
D) Narcotics
E) Inorganic Poison
  • 45. It contains carbon
A) Narcotics
B) Irritants
C) Corrosives
D) Organic Poison
E) Inorganic Poison
  • 46. It is marked disturbance of function or death for a short period of time
A) Chronic Poisoning
B) Undetermined Poisoning
C) Acute Poisoning
D) Sub-Acute Poisoning
  • 47. The history is hazy as to how the poison was obtained, that's why it was administered.
A) Chronic Poisoning
B) Undetermined Poisoning
C) Sub-Acute Poisoning
D) Acute Poisoning
  • 48. The poison was taken without the intention to cause death.
A) Accidental Poisoning
B) Suicidal Poisoning
C) Homicidal Poisoning
D) Undetermined Poisoning
  • 49. The victims voluntarily took the poison for the purpose of taking its own life.
A) Accidental Poisoning
B) Homicidal Poisoning
C) Suicidal Poisoning
D) Undetermined Poisoning
  • 50. It is a branch of pharmacology concerned with determining appropriate dosages of meditation and treatments.
  • 51. It doesn't cause harmful effect.
A) Lethal Dose
B) Safe Dose
C) Toxic/Poisonous Dose
D) Minimum Dose
  • 52. A smallest amount/quantity that can cause therapeutic effect without causing harm.
A) Lethal Dose
B) Safe Dose
C) Minimum Dose
D) Maximum Dose
  • 53. A largest amount/quantity that can cause no harm but at the same time produce desire therapeutic effect.
A) Poisonous Dose
B) Minimum Dose
C) Lethal Dose
D) Maximum Dose
  • 54. A direct injection of the substance into the veinm
  • 55. It counter acts the poison
A) Antidotes
B) Dose
C) Narcotics
D) Injection
  • 56. A removal of poison from the stomach
A) Eme
B) Intravenous
C) Emesis
D) Emetics
  • 57. Any substance that when taken or introduce to the body will cause harmful effects.
A) Stimulants
B) Corrosives
C) Poison
D) Dangerous Drugs
  • 58. The substance affect upon body and mind
A) Poison
B) Corrosives
C) Sedatives
D) Dose
E) Drugs
  • 59. A desire to repeat or uncontrollable use of drugs
A) Addiction
B) Opium
C) Hallucination
D) Habituation
  • 60. A physical dependence of a person to drugs
A) Opium
B) Habituation
C) Addiction
D) Hallucination
  • 61. It is the implementing armed of any dangerous drug board
  • 62. Any facility that is used for the illegal manufactures of dangerous drugs.
A) Clandestine Laboratory
B) Forensic Laboratory
C) Laboratory
D) Science Laboratory
  • 63. It can killed.
A) Lethal Dose
B) Poisonous Dose
C) Maximum Dose
D) Toxic Dose
  • 64. It is a short duration and extreme violence
A) Sub-Acute Poisoning
B) Accidental Poisoning
C) Acute Poisoning
D) Chronic Poisoning
  • 65. A substance that can cause temporary implamation or discomfort on living tissues.
A) Corrosives
B) Narcotics
C) Irritants
D) Drugs
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